I cant handle food or water. constant nausea made worse by eating. PLEASE HELP!!!

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Hi all, so for a few weeks now I've been feeling very nauseous when and after eating, but I got through it and carried on with my life. (it is now very late Friday night) and I haven't been able to stomach much food since last Saturday. I can barely eat more than one or two baby rice crackers, a few sips of Gatorade, and some water. Even that makes my nausea so intense that I have to lay on the bathroom floor or take gravol which only offers the slightest bit of relief. I've been to the doctors and have had a blood test and ultrasound. but I have to wait until next week for the results. I feel so helpless, and if I do try and eat or drink it results in my dry heaving into the toilet. but I have no clue what do do, its such bad nausea and I'm terrified of vomit. I have been prescribed lansoprazole 30mg but it just makes me feel worse. please help me. I constantly have this bubbling / emptying feeling like I have to go to the bathroom or pass gas but nothing ever comes of that either. Please help as I am suffering so much and I just want constant nausea to go away. I feel fine but full if I don't eat but when I do eat I feel so much worse but I obviously can't starve myself. I'm a 17-year-old female and this is heavily impacting my ability to go to school. 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi ellag. I'm in a similar position. I feel sick everyday with a continous bad stomach for 6 years with no diagnosis. Cant tell you what it is, but ducking crystalized ginger and drinking ginger and lemon tea work 98% of the time for the nausea and sickness.

    • Posted

      I meant ducking. Ha ha.
  • Posted

    So sorry you are in such pain. Maybe the test will reveal the problem. In the mean time, try switching to Prilosec, the generic is named Esomeprozole over the counter 20mg, twice a day (1 in the AM and 1 in the PM). Also 1 hour before you eat take 20mL of Gaviscon liquid anti-acid. If you still feel pain or nausea take another does of Gaviscon 2 hours after you eat.

    I'm not a doctor, just another person like you who has stomach problems. Taking these helps me to eat enough to be reasonably healthy and less discomfort. I wish you the best.


  • Posted

    Small sips of milk are good for nausea so long as you can tolerate milk.  If I have nausea, milk helps most of the time. Ginger can help some people but it can cause heartburn because it is acidic. Gatorade has chemicals in it which may irritate the stomach.

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