I cried"..feeling emotional.
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Hi all
i have just had my FSHnresults back and now officially in premenapause.......
pie have known this for the last 22 months BUT actually I'm scared....does that sound wired!!!!
think because it's the realisation has kicked in
ive to see the GP Monday next week
i just feel in shock I cried don't even know why it's not that I didn't now (know) just a shock I feel so old now....
so now I know this I want help and advice of u super brilliant ladies as u know I've posted quite a lot lately.
i want somthing to help with : my mood swings as I said in a previous post I'm loopy lar but seriously I have 3 children I snap so much I sometimes frighten myself.....I've no patience what so ever I swear like a sailer my god .....
headaches and nausea....
so my Maine issues are: headaches like real bad ...nausea and mood swings .
what do u take what has helped any advice feedback would be extremly helpful,
thankyou for reading from a loopy lar worried young patience. LOL.
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jo81414 Shelly0069
I think the tearfulness is another symptom. I've been in tears over the weekend and I never cry! I just felt so crap and it did make me feel a bit better just to let it all out!
I take Black Cohosh and that has helped with the mood swings/irritability and the hot flushes. Not controlling the hot flushes so well in my last stint tho. (have them intimitantly, not having them at the mo).
Might be worth a try if you havent already but see what your GP says.
Shelly0069 jo81414
Thanks jo.
like I said having 3 children my main concern is my mood swings.......I've no patience at all.....I've heard of Black Cosh....how long before it starts working?
Dont think I get the hot flushes? Although I'm quite hot through the evening?
i do however get the cold flushes!!!!'mm
mu reflux has also spiralled out of control to and my medication doesn't seem to be working so well......
im awful 2 weeks prior before a period, nausea,terrible mood swings, reflux x 10 Worse
an awful migranes and headaches, again suffered with migranes fro 18-19. And take Sumpertription and sometimes makes it worse, so I just carnt win feel like the pits in those 2weeks, I rarely get an ok day and if I do the next day im100x worse with what ever symptom wants to show up????.
so nausea,reflux,hard aches/ migranes and mood swings are at least 100% worse........
thanks for the info. Hugs to u.
maisie05 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly
Vit. B6 helped me with pmt and mood swings when I was younger. It was a high dose on prescription from doctor.
For the headaches, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and try something like olbas oil, to inhale on a tissue to help keep sinuses clear. I used to love Karvol, it's for children really but I just loved that smell, but it's discontinued now. It was like a comfort to me.
colleen90305 maisie05
colleen90305 Shelly0069
Hi Shelly, just be happy all your symtoms have been confirmed to peri, and your not crazy. I was supposed to start prometrium over two months ago and havent. Sunday is day 16, the day I'm supposed to start again and have to give it a try!!!! I've been on antidepressants for years and they always helped til this vicious beast came. Talk to your doctor about what you can do. Good Luck! Your not alone