i dont know what to do next ?

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I am 20 yrs old female , i used to binge and make myself sick about 3 years ago , i dropped about a stone and a half in weight to 8stone 7lbs , i told my boyfriend about the binging and purging but he could not really help so i told my mum , she took me to the GP which i was very reluctent as i felt i was not skinny enough to go to a specialist for help as i started to get heart palputations , nd i was transferred to a councillor , i had one session and that was it the councillor said i didnt need anymore , i felt so stupid and felt like a fraud for going to get help although i still had issues about my body image i managed to stop the binging and purging as i felt guilty as i told my mum i wouldnt do it anymore .

2 years later and i had put on about 4 stone back on i was 13stone and feeling disscusted in myself so in sept 2014 i started slimming word as well as purging in the evening i started only doing it a few times here and there and then all the feelings came back from before , eating healthy then binging then purging then relief , i have lost 2 stone now through bingeing and purging im now doing it on a daily basis and am feeling out of control to the point where i cant go a day without making myself vomit , do i go to the GP or just leave it to sort itself out , i feel ashamed to tell my mum and boyfreind but am feeling pretty low atm please help !!!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I know the feeling. I've had weight issue for ages. started slimming world in November and since then my binges always lead to purges. as I'm still over weight I feel a doctor would just think I'm attention seeking. My boyfriend doesn't really understand and my family don't really live nearby. Just feel really stuck.
  • Posted


    Don't let a generalist physcian or a counciller undermine your issues, it's all relative and subjective to finance managing, they probably fail to acknowledge the severity of your condition prioritizing and triaging patients that are more severaly impacted but does not mean yours is of little significance.. one thing I have encountered with generalist physcians is their dismisive, trival, prejudice, and discrimitive attidudes towards patients symptoms and medical concerns which in an idealistic society would all recieve individual, tailored, and personal health care but in reality practice surgeries and national health service are cash strapped putting a hugh emphasis on value for money with clinical commissioning groups responsibale for delivery of services and national institute for care and excellence resposnable for clinical guidance to help manage budgets etc. that generalist physcians lack control and discretion over the quality and standard of care they deliver to their patients prompting them to continaully opt for low cost options such as waitful watching, verbal reassurance, and prescriptions which I've come to learn as no further action, false assurances, and symptom suppressants

    Personally I would suggest seeking online health information services increasing insight & understanding and hopefully confidence and appreciation for your overall physcial wellbeing and set objectives / goals, using stratgies and techniques as well as logging, tracking, and monitoring to help achieve them DO NOT rely on anyone else unfortunately you've to take matters into your own hands and make the best of what you've got

  • Posted

    Hi Jo, as bourb said - I know the feeling too well. I have done this for almost 10 years now and I haven't been "bothered" seeking any help just because I feel I would be a loss cause. I started when I was 18 for same reason as "everyone else" -I was fat. Didn't matter what anyone else said. I was fat and I wanted to lose weight quick and easy. Mind that I was a gym bunny, exercised almost 2 hours (!) daily some days but still I wasn't good enough. I won't write a novel on my background but I just wanted to say find help! Do not do what I have done, you are not alone even thou you feel like it.

    I have taken the bull by its horns now at the age of 27 and "forced" myself to find help. My partner knows about by struggles but he doesn't know what to do. He cannot help me and I do not want to put my burden on him. I think deep inside he suffers knowing what I do but he feels so helpless he decides to “look away” or start an argument as soon as he figures out what I have done.

     Go to your GP and talk about it you do not need to give them all details (if you do not want to) but  push them for either a referral to a counsellor or details for someone they would recommend.  Sometimes talking to a stranger is all we need. We need someone there for us because sometimes being bulimic (well in my case anyway) is because we put so much pressure on our self to be perfect. Doesn’t have to be figure wise, but we want to be that perfect friend, that perfect someone and you know what; there is no such thing as perfect!

    Sorry I wrote you a whole novel here anyway – I tried not to but since the subject is so close to my heart it breaks my heart reading about others going through the same “sh*t” as I do because I know how low you feel and how much it hurts….Please try to find someone to talk to. Even like this – find forums where you can talk to someone about your struggles, someone you do not know. I am always pro counselling because that helped me but we are all different and unique!

    I wish you all the best and keep fighting. I fight every day and I must say I lose the war more often then I win but I will never stop fighting!

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