I dont know whats going on
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OK so, my period has always been a little all over the place but has become to much. I always bled heavy (like need 2 over night pads all the time heavy) but usually only get it for 3-4 days. Last year I didnt get my period from January until May then I got it very heavily with lots of large blood clots and it lasted about two weeks (toward the end it was just spotting with random clots). I got it normal for a few more months, then I didnt get it again for a few months. When I finally got it again after three months it was again very heavy but this time it was REALLY heavy (heavier then usual) and I kept getting dizzy and was passing very large clots. After it stopped (about a week later) I havent had it since other then contant (daily) light spotting. That was seven months ago and now I am bleeding again (mostly normal, lighter then usual) and clotting (large clot). I always have pains in my lower abdomen (both sides) that kind of feel like muscles pulling and it happens a lot when I sneeze or cough or try to get up from bed. For the past few months I have been getting pains in the right side of my back to my side under my ribs. I have a lot of other health issues (diverticulosis for one and constant dizzy spells amonst a few other things) and I havent made a doctors appointment because I dont know which is more important and I currently dont have the time to make multiple. Can anyone tell me what this could be and if this should be a priority.
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Misssy2 DawnRod
Gyno...for sure.
How old are you?
I had a procedure....Novasure...and they froze my uterus...no more periods.
But, they won't do it...if you are of childbearing age...unless there is a medical reason...but usually if there is a medical problem...a hysterectomy is needed.
But it seems most of your problems are Gynelogical
DawnRod Misssy2
I'm 36
Misssy2 DawnRod
Do you want children?
If not....ask your Dr. about Novasure.....I had it at 40...I'm 52 now...and I have NO period.
There is a chance for spotting and I thought I would for sure get IT...because I was bleeding.....so badly...clotting so badly....but I was lucky and got nothing after the procedure...
I think they just tell you that there may be spotting to protect themselves...cause if they say you won't get anything and you do...then they wouldn't want to hear it.
DawnRod Misssy2
Misssy2 DawnRod
LOL...your good....
tricia51298 Misssy2
Did you have the nova sure done in the doctors office or did you have it at a hospital under anesthesia ? How long was your recovery time? I'm highly considering getting the novasure but would like others who have had it opinions
Misssy2 tricia51298
I'm sorry tricia I really can't remember...I have memory problems...and it was 13 years ago...BUT...it was a simple quick procedure wherever I had it because I DO remember being pleasantly surprised that it was done so quickly!
tricia51298 Misssy2
Misssy2 tricia51298