I feel constantly nauseous!

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Hello everyone,

It's been several months, if not a year, that I feel constantly nauseous and I can't figure out why.

I can't eat because it makes the nausea way worse, and when I do, I feel like throwing it all up.

This led to sleeping issues (insomnia) and I get EXHAUSTED easily, due to the lack of nutrition I suppose.

This is taking over my life, I can't concentrate at work and studies, my grades are falling apart and my boss is absolutely not satisfied!

My weight fell from 127lbs to 116lbs over this year and my health is dicreasing (obviously); constant headaches and fatigue.

My friends say it's just that my body should rest from all the stress, but could that be the reason?

I'm also a heavy smoker and cafeine addict for years now.

I don't know what could be causing this but I terribly want to understand. I'm not really a fan of doctor visits nor do I have time for that rolleyes

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello there!  Listen... one big red flag here... heavy smoker!!!  QUIT NOW!  You definitely need to get to a Gastroenterologist.  Perhaps an upper GI series (tests) or upper endoscopy could pinpoint the issue.  Don't wait.  Make the time.  Really consider quitting.  There is s TONof support nowadays!  Hope this helps and feel better! :-)

    ~ Bronze

    • Posted

      I tried quitting more than once! Support groups, apps, diets...but then after 2 months tops, I relapse to worse..
  • Posted

    So many of your symptoms sound stress related.

    #1 reduce stress. I personally know this is easier said than done. Practice your faith, read, exercise, hang out with friends, start a hobby you've already wanted to, etc.

    My insomnia was directly related to stress, as was most of my digestive issues. I got rid of most my stress, and I'm sleeping a lot better, and my silent reflux is now manageable.

    #2 quit smoking and caffeine. These are not good for health, digestion, or sleep. But, this will be tough for you, because these are likely coping mechanisms. So, if you quit anything, replace it with something else. For instance, start by cutting caffeine, and switching to black tea,or an Americano. Work your way to herbal tea.

    As for smoking, reduce it, and slowly replace with another coping mechanism. If you feel stressed, instead of reaching for a smoke, go for a walk. While walking, try noticing new things, or thing about your new hobby, or perhaps try to go over class notes in you head. Try to make learning fun. Instead of a smoke break, ask a friend or coworker to go for a walk with you.

    #3 make sure to see a doctor. You should rule out anything serious. But, don't stress over the doctor, they are there to help you. If male he'll likely check your digestion. If female, he should also check ovaries.

    #4 don't fear eating. Sometimes the brain is so closely tied to the stomach, and just the thought of eating can make a person feel sick. This is very similar to those who get food poisoned, or sick from a particular liquor. Notice how these people can feel sick or nausea just from smelling or thinking about the food that made them sick? Your nausea could be similar.

    Best of luck.

    • Posted

      Thank you a lot. This is really helpful, I was just hoping it's nothing serious.

  • Posted

    Hi saf97

    You should keep a food diary and note what food triggers the nausea.....perhaps change your diet...gluten free, lactose free, wheat free, caffeine free, and take probiotics, no spicey foods and fried foods also no citrus fruits...eat chicken roasted in olive oil, some red meat and fish, and veg not too much cabbage, broccoli and sprouts, they cause gas and fruit and plenty of water...& multivits...no junk food...and cut down and stop smoking...

    Sometimes we have to help ourselves overcome health problems so that we can say we tried our best to alleviate symptoms....if unsuccessful then we can go to the doc and tell them you've done your best now it's over to them.....best wishes....

    • Posted

      Thank you very much, I think I start considering a diet now.
    • Posted

      Hi ssaf

      No probs...very happy to help.....my best wishes to you on your new eating regime....:-)

  • Posted

    Keep a food diary and see your doctor.
  • Posted

    You have to get on a medication.. I was the same way

    I was put on nexium

    Good luck

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