I feel I've aged over night, has this happened to anyone else?
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I started having hot flushes in Nov and sometimes feel really suddenly unwell with them. I'm 52, small framed and a thin lady but since Nov I feel like I've aged over night, and I look like a bag of bones and I get very tired, has this happened to anyone else please?
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louise25018 debbie45977
Still , I guess all we can do is try and keep smiling, be positive and embrace the changes we all naturally have to go through and hopefully we will come out smiling at the end of this.
Sending you positive thoughts hun and please remember you are not alone and all the fab ladies on this forum are in it together and give amazing support when needed!!! Big hugs xxxx
daisylady debbie45977
debbie45977 daisylady
Zigangie debbie45977
My husband and my Dad both say they still feel like they are 18! My Dad's partner put my mind at rest though she said it happened to her at about that (your age) and that it was a bit better for her now but she is 62 and I was 53 so I tried HRT.
I can't say it's made me feel any younger though but it has got rid of quite a few symptoms that really drag you down and it's early days at 3 months so I have my fingers crossed that it will do.
elaine33371 debbie45977
nikiola18292 debbie45977
Im 51 and peri. No dont get flushes now, although think i might have had a few night sweats a couple of times. I can see myself aging, but not massively. Im sure i might go to sleep and wake up one morning looking 70. I had my daughter quite late at 38 so not sure if it might have kicked the meno in the ass to appear a bit later, still getting periods, but not so many peri symptoms, although periods started to get erractic. Am on the slipery slide i think.
gentleballads debbie45977
i read a lady say she feels she has aged 5 years in six months time whereas before peri she felt and looked ten years younger !!
debbie45977 gentleballads
lisa68132 debbie45977
elaine33371 lisa68132
Zigangie elaine33371
Thank goodness my eyesight up close is awful so I can't see my wrinkles.
HRT has helped my libido a lot and I think that helps with depression too.
elaine33371 Zigangie
Yes the bloating is awful, it does go down but takes ages. thats where coming on helped, it use to take all that away didnt it, mind you it took everything else away as well, someone suggested ginger tea, gonna get some of that, its so uncomfortable like you said, i cant have HRT as there is breast cancer in the immediate family.
Zigangie elaine33371
I used to make a lot and drink it cold as well.
seem to put the weight on, even with extra protein shakes and I
really can't afford to.
I find this an added stress level on top of all the other symptoms, although I do try not to worry.
I have a Dr's app within the next 2 weeks, but I'm still not sure
about HRT any thoughts?
elaine33371 debbie45977
Zigangie debbie45977
Do some research on bio identical HRT made from wild yams. When I asked for it my GP said it's much more natural but her first offering was a horse urine type.
I think this is because there is not much money in it. They use estradiol which is identical our own estrogen so pharmaceutical companies cannot patent it and only get the patent on the delivery method either gel or patches.
elaine33371 Zigangie