I feel like ending it all-what can I do

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I have a prolapsed disc which I did by sneezing (yes,really) in Feb 2014-doctors didn't take me seriously,refused to even see me after I went through their triage system as they had an attitude of "everyone has back pain,deal with it" then just guessed that I had weak core muscles and sent me to physio which was no help at all. After 6 months of constant pain and very little sleep I broke down in front of a GP who finally sent me for an MRI which revealed the prolapsed disc. I was finally given amitryptiline at the start of Dec which worked fabulously for two weeks then my back started hurting again over Xmas, got back to work on 29th Dec and it got worse until 2nd Jan when I had awful shooting pains in my lower back, nearly collapsed and was sent home from work. I have hardly been able to walk since and the pain has moved from my back to my buttocks and backs of both legs,to now the whole of my left leg-agonising pains,numbness and pins and needles and sometimes a burning sensation. Codeine with paracetamols 4 times a day on top of the naproxen and amitryptiline was working at first,then only being effective for 2.5 hours which leaves 1.5 hours of crying and writhing in agony, and now doesn't seem to be working at all so I can't even sleep now(it was getting me through half the night two days ago).

I'm sorry this is long winded but I'm at my wits end as the pain is excrutiating- I can't carry on like this, I can't cope with this level of pain. I'm only 41 and this is ruining my life. And how can I keep working like this? Please please can someone help me?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I am so sorry that you are going through thia awful pain.  My own situation came on suddenly, and also to this day, I do not know why.  My internal medicine doc referred me to a pain doc who has been managing the problem.  I had an epidural injection last week which left me with a slowly resolving weakness on one side to the degree that I cannot walk without folding down to the floor.  The pain however is much lessened but not completely gone.  You need to keep contacting the physician.  Pain can be resolved, at least on a temporary basis until a better solution is investigated.  I was fortunate that the antinflamatory medications worked in the beginning and then the doctor prescribed narcotic pain relief until the injection was given.  I do not have a magic answer or solution, but know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers that your physician will come up with comfort for you.
  • Posted

    Good Morning leisa

    Following up on my problem , i was prescribed tramadol 2 days ago 1st day i felt great, ive been up all night with a severe reaction of itchiness or prickly heat, i wont be taking tramadol anymore lol.

    The pain is similar to yours just constant, might sound silly but if i put earphones in and listen to music it takes my thoughts of it, even for a minute.

    Have you tried sciatic pain relief exercises, search youtube and facebook Twitter, i really am surprised how many people suffer with sciatica.

    There is no magic cure, icepacks help me when it flares up, bag of ice crushed! ly in the rest position , place ice pack under the lower back for no more than 20 minutes, you will feel brand new for a while, swimming is also good, i think my cure will be losing weight, ive lost over a stone over the xmas period and am planning to get down to 13 stone, even tho i dont look that big,.

    According to Bmi results i am obese, look for Mark Rosenburg dc on YouTube for some insight and inspiration.

    You are not alone and will get through this dark time

  • Posted

    Leisa, where do you live, try going to your doctor again and ask to to fast track you for an MRI scan and ask for Pregabalin (like all meds, does have side effects, talk to doctor about them), they do help if you can keep on with them. will be thinking of you.
  • Posted

    Took me to see 6 gps and a year to get a mri scan and they still cant understand why I have sciatia in both legs as the sciatia nerve is fine I've got DDD l5 and waiting for treatment live on tramadol and amitriptyline I'm drug up all the time I sleep between 12-14 hours a day 
    • Posted

      That is terrible, what part of the country do you live, you need an MRI scan much sooner than that, honestly, if I were you, I'd get down to A&E casualty and tell them how you are suffering with pain, your quality of life should be a million times better, explain everything to the minute detail to the casualty doctor or nurse, write every symptom down if you can. Will be thinking of you
  • Posted

    THANKYOU to everyone who has replied with messages of support and suggestions. The codeine stopped working altogether but the doc said I couldn't take more than 8 per day so I was stuffed.

    I called the SATS department 3 times,(Mon,Tues and Wed) as I had seen a specialist in back pain there who had said to call before my next appt if I had further problems-finally spoke to someone Wed at 9.40 and was promised a callback within 2 hours- no-one phoned the entire day. I called again this morning to find out why, and they called me a liar-they said that they would never promise a call-back! I went through the problem yet again and was told that there was a 6 month wait for a pain blocking injection and why was I making a fuss when I had my next appt next Monday-ermmm maybe because I was in agony and had been since Friday??

    Thank God the pain has reduced loads since my previous post- I now have numbness and pins and needles and occasional burning sensation in my left calf,ankle and foot but not excrutiating pain now. I also have slight pain down the backs of both thighs when walking.

    Anyway, the lady in the SATS team finally called me out of the blue at about 2pm today(she'd just got my message) and said she would refer me immediately for the injection but it would take a couple of months. I said I was surprised as I'd been told 6 months so she said they were really busy so it would be about 4!! She said to call doc to get stronger painkiller than codeine for next time I had probs so I did this.

    Then,less than an hour later,again out of the blue, I got a call from Southmead Hospital saying was I free tomorrow as they had had a cancellation and had just received my referral from the SATS lady!!!

    So tomorrow morning I am having a pain blocking injection so I am so so lucky but a bit frightened at the same time! I just hope that it goes well and that it has a good effect.

    So, please keep your fingers crossed for me!


    • Posted

      This is my story,went to a & e xmas eve reason constipation caused with inflammation, believe me not only was this embarrassing but i really needed help, the triage team attended to me straight away, sorted that with in a couple of days, next step docs on monday gone, told the doctor straight, i work i need this sorted i myself cannot do anymore, prescribe tramadol, 2 days on them , they in the bin, lost over a stone since xmas eve,woke this morning i jumped on the scales, lost another 2 llb, walked the dog i was in pain but i would say 30% less, arrived home letter from the hospital, i am bookend to have a mri sunday, i am praying that the weight loss is helping take the strain of my back, lets see what happens
    • Posted

      Hopefully the MRI will pinpoint the problem like mine did- but why did you bin the tramadol? This is what I am being prescribed if I have a relapse-what was so bad about them? Well done on the weight loss- I hope it was intended! I have never ever had problems with my bowels but codeine bungs me up like a cork which is horrible. I am overweight but none of the docs have said anything about this being to blame for my back problems-although my family have!
    • Posted

      Tramadol made me drowsy, constipated me , i dont want to live a life on painskillers, excess weight puts massive strain on the joints and back, if you have had kids, you may no the problems pregnant woman have with back problems, Mark Rosenberg explained this to me, every llb of extra weight puts more strain on the joints and on the back area, i am hoping this will resolve my problem,
  • Posted

    I feel for you, truly. I have seen five doctors in the last two years and all of them have pretty much had the "everyone has back pain,deal with it" attitude.

    I knew there was something wrong all the time and finally (like you - I had to break down in front of a GP) sciatica has been diagnosed but I also feel like my life is down the pan. I think that's the pain talking and I know what you mean when you say it's unbearable - it really is awful.

    Now I have to wait for the MRI and try different pain relief until they get to the bottom of it all but I could scream this it has taken two years for anyone to listen!

    So (and pardon the pun) your post touched a nerve here and my heart goes out to you.

    I was wondering how you got on with your appointment? Have you finally found some relief? I hope so!


    • Posted

      Thanks for your lovely supportive message- I had the injections on Friday and they said it would take 5 days or so for an improvement-its now Wed eve and no change so far....

      I've had to go back to work which is a struggle as I sort of lopsidedly drag my left foot since I'm numb from the calf downwards and have no strength in that leg at all- just walking to the bus stop knackers me now! At least you should get answers with your scan- that felt like a huge step forward for me as I felt vindicated as it showed I DID have a reason for the pain and was not the malingerer that they made me feel like.

      If your painkillers don't work my nice doc, who actually listens, said there are 3 diff types you can try as one size doesn't fit all, so ask to change if they are not working, and try a different one. I really hope that your scan wait is not too long, and that the following result can give you a good reason to badger your doctors for some proper treatment and to treat you properly because the constant pain is depressing and unbearable and they need to understnd that!

      Good luck and report back!

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