I Feel Like I Am Going Out Of My Mind

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I am in the middle of the miserable menopause but still having my monthlys. I am also having huge digestive issues which makes me more anxiety ridden than ever and the whole sorry saga is a vicious cycle.

I have tried Everol Sequi patches over the last three months but all they did was create very heavy bleeding and uncomfortable continuous breast pain. I took myself off them two weeks ago despite them alleviating my horrible night sweats.

Back at the docs yesterday and she wants me to do the bowel cancer test over my digestive issues, so that sends you into more worry so then my stomach reacts big time. I have constant aches and pains, particularly across my upper back and shoulders which I know is worry and angst over all these symptoms. My other symptoms is losing my hair, loss of libido, feeling low, night sweats, bloating etc etc I am going to try another HRT patch and it that doesn't work, the doctor has suggested the marina coil and hormonal cream. Has anyone had luck with this?

I sound like a moaning mini but I have just forgotten what it is like to feel "me"? My mum went utterly nuts through her menopause which I am at that her age now. She didn't get any help and had a thoroughly miserable few years which I am determined to try and not to do! That's my rant for today, feel free to rant with me too.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there

    I am the same especially with my bowel. Up and down all the time and going on for the past two years. I get a reprieve for about 2 weeks. I get constipated at times, get a build up...awful wind and gurley tummy especially when I wake up etc.

    I had a scope down my throat and all was fine and like you, think I may need an examination the other way but at the same time, don't want to go down the GP route again as been so many times over the past two years. I have had so many other symptoms I wont go into as here all night but the fear of something else in my bowel does scare me and the worry just sets it all off so a vicious cycle.

    But I am sure I am fine and I am sure the same with you. Hormones send out bodies into a spin and I pray you and I will get past it soon.

    Hope all goes well.


    • Posted

      Thank you CK for your reply. My digestive system has gone completely haywire in the last year with pains, bloating, side stinging pains, upper back pain, dashes to the toilet etc which is symptomatic with IBS and my doctor thinks it is this but she wants to test further which I can understand.

      Like you say it is a vicious cycle of anxiety and my doctor has been good in saying the menopause can trigger IBS related conditions purely down to these lack of hormones and is supportive.

      Every day I just don't feel my normal self and that is miserable but reading this forum I know I am not alone. This menopause thing really has a lot to answer for!

    • Posted

      I really feel for you. The GP said it is IBS with me so I am not going near another Doctor as to be honest, they are sometimes at at loss also. But I have more better days so I guess there is hope for me. It is wind with me all the time. In tummy, in bowel and I had nearly a month were my tummy settled.

      Let me know how you get on with the test and I am sure it will all be fine.

      Big blessings to you there!


    • Posted

      I have sometimes a few days relief but the stinging pain and bloating and mad dashes to the toilet are pretty much every day. Its been on and off for a year now and I think this is menopausal. I will sort the bowel cancer test in the next few days and fingers crossed that is clear. I will keep you posted. Big thanks :0)

  • Posted

    Hi Sabab,

    Of course you get to moan! You are having a very hard time!

    It is very normal to have digestive issues with peri. While I'm glad your doctor is being careful and checking thoroughly, it is probably "no more" than another horrible symptom. If you look up prostaglandin and digestion, you'll see that fluctuations in that hormone really mess with digestion.

    Feel free to ignore this advice--since I worship at the Church of the Probiotic--but have you tried any probiotics to rebalance the flora in your intestines? Low electrolytes, salt, and malabsorption of nutrients that come from irregular bowel movements could add further complications to a difficult transition. I had terrible hair loss when I had chronic diarrhea and wasn't retaining many nutrients from my food.

    We are here for you whenever you want to moan!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your reply and your thoughts. I have been on a tablet probiotic and drink kefir but not much relief sadly... But that is interesting about the link to hair loss. I will look into that. Thank you for listening to my meno moans!

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