I feel like I'm at the end of the road emotionally
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I've been looking at this discussion post for some time now but I finally made one of my own. I've been stage 3 for the last two years. Currently I am a student athlete at the university of Wisconsin and because it spreads everywhere both armpits both groins I was able to play my last season and had to give up football. I've missed many days of school. I feel my life being snatch out of me and no one seems to understand when I say this is no joke. It's being downplayed by doctors, and I can't even get out of bed most mornings. I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried humira I've tried the shots antibiotics everything and my doctor won't let me get surgery. God bless you all.
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rachel14667 reginald98456
I feel for you Reginald, no one understands the intense pain unless they have had it, not even doctors. Have you tried eliminating different food types from your diet? I've been on the Atkins diet for around 6 weeks now, and haven't had any further outbreaks in that time, so for me it must either be nightshades or wheat or a combination of both. I know for others, it appears to be dairy. Don't give up, and don't think surgery is the only option because lots on here who have had surgery have said it's come back just as bad. You're so young, my heart breaks for you youngsters who have this awful condition. God bless you too! x
tom85153 reginald98456
pagal_4200 reginald98456
Dont loose hope
some doctors even Dont know how to cure but if you wanna my advise then i just suggest you dieting. First find which food are allegeric too you then try to remove them from your diet and i am taking zinc gluconate and by taking it my acne size is geting smaller day by day
I am not free totally but overall i am under control + if you have some one support then try Castol oil
How to use it you have to search on Google. Castol oil is use to reduce acne lumps.
God bless You 😇
roberto_98022 reginald98456
Reg, I'm a former football coach from the state of Texas. I say former because I had to give it up after 20 years because of this condition. It does take your life your passion. I have it in my groin and my under arm. Fortunately I guess only on one side. If you are that bad off and advanced I'd recommend surgery. I had co2 laser surgery. It's pricey. My dermatologist did mine. He's down in Miami. Dr. Barry Resnik. I had to go there because my dermatologists where I'm from were very passive. Brother I know the pain. Physical and emotional. I pray for you brother and I hope you find the help you need. Stay strong. Fight! Win!
aussie76 reginald98456
Hi Reginald,
I was going to say the same as the others... I lived with it for 20 years and still fight to keep it at bay. You just have to work out ways to minimise it, (minimise polyester, tight fitting clothing, contain any fluid, wash it with antibacterials etc).
I've seen many doctors and dermatologists and had surgeries and medications. I also cut as much sugar and fat from my diet as possible at different stages. However you need to look at an autoimmune elimination diet (chicken and vegetables maybe). go really basic for months... let it show signs of improvement, then as you introduce other foods pay close attention to the symptoms. You will realise you have control and things will turn around! it's such a positive moment when you realise you do actually have control