I feel like I'm dying.. is this premenopause?
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Hey all. I have been having many symptoms for over a year now.. I'm 39 and keep being told I'm too young for menopause. I don't even want to call a doctor anymore because I'm tired of the blood work coming back "normal". Even though my numbers are up and down they are always in the normal range.. I had one test come back for insufficient vitamin d3 so I started taking a supplement with a small amount of improvement. My symptoms are, extreme fatigue out of nowhere but my period makes it much worse, it literally feels like I'm dying or fading off the earth. I get the fabulous feelings of nausea followed by chest tightness/palpitations, or dizziness/ major brain fog (sometimes it's hard to drive I can't focus) constant acne on my jawline and neck, breaking out in a sweat or freezing and last but not least... dark brown clotty periods.. and I mean brown author a splash of dry red on day 4. Sometimes my periods are only 2 days long and sometimes they last for 2 days and leave for a day and come back for 2 days.?? I'm mean shut the hell? I feel like I'm going crazy every time my doc says yep everything is fine. Really?!! So can anyone relate?
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becky53379 tfro77
Hello I know how you feel. Doctors always seem to say your fine, your bloodwork is normal ugh! BUT I DON'T FEEL NORMAL OK!!!!Lol! You know yourself and regardless of your age you sound like you are in the perimenopause group. I had major fatigue for about 3-5 months, then it got better. I still have good and bad days but more good then before. I was low on vitamin D as well. It seems the norm with alot of ladies on here. Try to be good to yourself right now. Take your vitamins and keep your mind active, walking helps too! Take care and I am praying for all of us to get through this soon
tfro77 becky53379
Thanks so much. Yes I agree some days are good and some days are horrible. My mom started premenopause at 40 so I'm guessing that's what's happening to me. The sucky thing is not knowing..well except for my gut instinct.. the small things that are helping is magnesium, acupuncture, and b complex. I slowed down on the b complex after getting slight anxiety from it after I realized I was getting the niacin flush as they call it. So now I'm in the search for a b complex without niacin that is made from whole foods. I also went wheat and gluten free a couple of months ago and that too has helped. The last couple of days on my cycle have been dreadful so I decided to reach out to others in hopes of bringing me peace or maybe someone else is going through the same thing. Praying for all of those struggling. Aahh this too shall pass right? Grrr
gailannie tfro77
All the things you have clearly described hormone issues. And the biggest signal is the changes and swings of your periods. You no longer have the consistent system you once did. Now the hard part of all this is the labs. As with many things, sometimes things don't show up in lab work until the problem has progressed. I know we all want to look at the labs and say, "oh there's the problem" but it normally doesn't work that way. And remember, labs are simply a momentary snapshot in time. On any given day, any given segment of your day, things can look right. But in perimenopause, and nearing menopause, things can swing wildly. Menopause is about the only thing I can think of that is diagnosed ONE YEAR AFTER THE FACT. Cause you have to go a full year without a period, before you are considered in menopause. (Wow, don't really need a doctors degree for that DIAGNOSIS now do you.)
Sorry, I know this is difficult. Been there and done that. Do everything you can to take care of yourself, diet, vitamins, water, exercise, sleep, alone and down time, etc. Things are winding down and your body needs all the help it can get right now.
Guest tfro77
Sooo I would guess it's a real possibility that you are in perimenopause given the age your mum went through it all. But sometimes you can have an hormonal imbalance that's nothing to do with menopause. Does your acupuncturist use herbs as well as needles? Sometimes the two together can be more effective for hormone upsets. Also have you had your thyroid checked....not just TSH, but T3 and T4 at least...I just thought about that because you say you're not just hot but freezing also....
jeny86397 tfro77
Morning, can totally relate to this. Just had one of the worst nights sleep ever, got a horrendous period and yes feel like I'm on the verge of death. I know that I'm not but doesn't stop you feeling like you are, this morning I'm feeling anxious emotional and really tired, this roller-coaster of symptoms and emotions is brutal, hang on in there sister, we can get through this,x
bobbysgirl tfro77
Ooh, where do I start? I know what you mean about doctors - but don't get me started on that!
Doctors take the Hypocratic Oath. But they seem to forget Hypocrates said 'let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.'
My last period was over two years ago but I'm sorry to tell you the symptoms you describe don't stop with them. The good news is there IS a lot you can do to help yourself.
I have found sage leaf helps with the hot flushes - doesn't stop them but they are fewer and much less severe. In this part of the world we are ALL Vit D deficient. It is not a vitamin but a hormone and is essential for our health. The daily recommended doses of such things were decided a long time ago when they didn't understand the body and it's needs like we do now. So the doses are often woefully short of what they should be. (you can overdose on some vits and mins but I suggest you learn a bit more about that online).
Magnesium is another essential mineral that most of us are lacking. Vit B3, Niacin can give you flushes, but I found they were never as bad as hormonal flushes. The flush is a sign it is working as it dilates the blood vessels (and can help lower blood pressure)
You are right to cut back on bread/gluten. But bread in itself is not the bogieman it's made out to be. The problem (I think) lies with modern forms of wheat grown for the benefit of the harvester and not it's nutritional content.
I used to find I sometimes got the shakes and would feel very cold as my period started. I often craved crisps, a colleague told me it was my body calling out for salt - he was right! I started using Himalayan salt - far less sodium chloride but additional minerals and never got that shakey feeling again.
Don't bother with the supermaket vit/mins, they are usually cheap synthetic versions. Cut the cxxp from your diet and eat good, fresh food. I just KNOW it will help!
julie7525 tfro77
jamie50513 tfro77
Welcome to the wonderful world of perimenopause. I am 39 (i will be 40 in July) and all the same things started for me at 38 years. I went to the ER countless times, had overnight hospital stays, and regular doctor visits so many times that the hospital staff knows my name and they take their time waiting on me. You name it, i've felt it, dry skin, racing heart, extreme anxiety, shorter periods that are heavy and clotty but only lasting about 3-4 days, fatigue, insomnia, now my joints (especially knees) hurt like hell, braing fog, freezing, doom and gloom and whatever else. You are not to young and most doctors don't know too much about this area of a woman's life unfortunately. Blood test are not reliable at this time as hormones are all over the place. Get rest when your body calls for it, drink plenty of water, cut down on the sugars and take any vitamins that your body is low on and basically take care of yourself. It's tough to deal with at times but you will get through it. This forum is great for information or just to vent.
tfro77 jamie50513
Preach girl! Yes that is when it all started for me.. I will be 40 in August. I take a lot of whole food supplements. Yes venting really helps. It's so good to hear from someone with the same symptoms and age. I want to try estroven except my anxiety always makes me over think taking anything.. I mean after all if I don't feel good what if this thing I take makes me feel worse??? Stupid anxiety!
Sally4x tfro77
Hi - I have exactly the same symptoms as you. My main symptoms are crushing fatigue, foggy head and vision and anxiety. I am in bed a lot of the time and am pretty much house bound. It's horrible. You are not alone. I too had low Vitamin D, but it is normal now and I still have the same symptoms xx
tfro77 Sally4x
bobbysgirl tfro77
That's a great mix D3/K2. Just keep it up Add some magnesium to the mix. I take Mag. malate.
Danipie21 tfro77
I have everything you said!!! In fact I just had a crying break down to my husband because I feel like no one can help me!! Have you had any changes since you first posted? I'm 34 and these symptoms have been going on now for 3 months, ALWAYS worse on or around my period. There are times I'm afraid I'm just going to pass out and never wake up. It's terrifying!
lena53512 tfro77
I suffered all the same. My peri started ten years ago with severe migraines, I have most of the major symptoms, fortunately not at the same time. I keep period records and I see how the period has changed over the years. Writing a diary also helped.
Take care!