I feel like I'm losing my mind
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Hi all,
New here and desperately looking for help. 45 y/o experiencing horrible, horrible mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression......it's easier to ask what I DON'T have going on. Periods are still regular in terms of timing and duration, but flow fluctuates between torrential flooding and spotting. It's true that I have a history of depression, anyway, but it's been managed by antidepressants. This new thing.....it's different. It is so pronounced, I sometimes wonder if I'm losing my mind. Seriously. Like, am I one step away from becoming the crazy lady who chases garden gnomes in her thin little housecoat because she can't remember to put on pants? Hot flashes are insane, I'm lucky if I get 4 hours of sleep a night. I've had blood work done and my hormones appear to be within normal range. All other values, like CBC, chemistry, TSH, all the other potential culprits are normal. I've always had problems with heavy, painful periods and my family is literally begging me to have a hysterectomy. My mom swears if I have a total hysterectomy (to avoid the flooding and pain) and go on hormone patches, I will feel like a new woman. My OB-Gyn said she would do an hysterectomy on me because 1) periods ARE fierce and I get anemic, and 2) history of ovarian cancer in my family. Anyhoo, I'm afraid it won't help and then I'll be really nutty. Does this sound like anyone else's life and if so, what are you doing about it? Thanks in advance!
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kris813 ghettospaghetti
You are not alone . I have also suffered with anxiety and depression but meds helped. No more ! I went 5 years with not sleeping and night sweats , finally I gave in to talking klonipin at night . I was doing fine till last march when I started to feel more depression and fast heart beat, by may I was a depression zombi . Dr changed meds and I pull out of it only to start to get terrible anxiety and Palpatations with rapid heart beat . Even went to ER twice. Cardo check up was done all good .. still racing heart and elevated blood pressure ( I never had that away from low blood pressure) finally he put me on beta blocker since August and it had helped , I'm still suffering with terrible anxiety , shakiness and stomach issues , acid reflux , gas , sometimes nausea sometimes dizziness. Strange vibrations in my chest . I also get my. I've only missed one. And that was engine the rest are coming sometimes heavy sometime if I need two days. You were not alone and I wish there were doctors who specialize in perimenopause and menopause for women. Most of the time you explain this feeling to the doctors and they look at you like you have to heads . I think we all can relate ...
ghettospaghetti kris813
I'm so sorry you are having these problems, but sorta relieved I'm not the only one! I'm thinking about trying HRT or something. I can deal with everything but the mood swings. Honestly, it's just a matter of time before I seriously lose it.
maddysmom2015 ghettospaghetti
You are not alone! I am often on the verge of seriously losing it. Last month I went to the GYN in tears because my period still comes with the crushing regularity it did in my 20's (I'll be 51 next month.) And I screamed "there has to be something to make it stop!"
A few things that have helped. I had my vitamin levels checked. I was low on D and B. Supplementing them helped with my moods. I went off caffeine (mostly) and that has improved the brain fog and sleeping and reduced the randomly racing heart. I went off sugar and flour and that has helped tremendously with my energy level. (I could now catch the garden gnomes in my house coat. And I get the smugness of saying, "Pft, I'm Paleo." when offered something delicious.)
I also cut back on overtime at my full time job and stopped my second job completely, despite the financial pinch that will cause. Working regular hours reduced my stress level and gave me more time to exercise. With regular exercise I have a few minutes of normalcy and feel, for a few stolen moments, like my old self.
It's not much but it's something.
We're here for you!
ghettospaghetti maddysmom2015
Thank you so much! I actually have tears in my eyes because I'm just so freakin' relieved I'm not crazy! I, too, have noticed that exercise helps, but there's no way I can cut my work hours. I will try modifying my diet, too. You guys are the best!
Guest ghettospaghetti
I am glad i stumbled across your post because indeed me too i am so sick of feeling like this. I was told i am perimenopausal and havent had a period for a considerable amount of time. I am on HRT and although this haa helped a little well definitely with hot sweats, I do still feel constantly down and frightened like something is going to happen. I have a little boy who I need to be strong for but feel I dont know how much longer I can hold on for. Its horrible. I had a panic attack five years ago so feel this has been with me for that amount of time. I hope u start to feel better soon I am going for counselling in the new year so hoping this will help too. X
ghettospaghetti Guest
Back atcha, Jill! I know it's so scary to feel like this. I'm going to try changing my diet a bit, see if that helps. It's just so good to know I'm not alone. Thank you so much!