i feel like im going crazy

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hello ladies

I am having a really hard time past few weeks. i feel as if i am losing my mind. like i am going crazy. i can barely function sad and idk who i am anymore. i have always been outgoing, happy full of energy person and now i feel as if im crawling out of my skin. please tell me i am not alone and this is an ugly part of peri that goes away and i am not going crazy sad

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kim you are not going crazy.....matter of fact you are very normal believe it or not! Hormonal, perimenopause normal. It does get better trust me. It took me a good 5 months to feel like I wasnt losing it....but it does change. I get that way now and then but not like before. Hang in there you will get through it. Just keep reminding yourself that it is hormones and read different post. It helps! Take care!
  • Posted

    I totally understand! I have been having exactly the same experience. My doctor have suggested Evening Primrose, but I don't think it's having much effect. You are definitely not alone!

  • Posted

    Hi kim, sounds like you are describing some of the symptoms we all are going through here. It is ugly. It does go away eventually. We are all waiting for it to go away.

    Join the gang.

  • Posted

    Hi Kim - diet exercise sleep all the usual things help, but I found I could not do it alone and tried a few HRT meds - on Livial Tiberlone and slowly feeling like my old self.

    Still struggle big time in the mornings but once up and out not too bad.

    Mindfulness meditiation has helped a little - it is new to me.

    Hang in there, know just how you feel, it is truly the pits.

    Lots of great advice on this site to help you, lovely ladiessmile

    Loui x

  • Posted

    I truly feel the sameway! !! I feel as thou lost myself, don't recognize in mirror! !! This website has made me realize I'm not crazy or alone!!!

  • Posted

    thank you for responding. i think i got hit with a double whammie. i have had enormous stress load at same time hit peri. i wonder if its a nervous breakdown. my husband doesnt understand and is not very compationate. my dr is putting me on lexapro which scares me too. i am super sensitive to meds. but trying to deal on my own is not working either sad

    • Posted

      Hi Kim I thought that I was having a nervous breakdown too but it was perimenopause. We had to move at the same time this hit me. It was very tough.....I was at my lowest low at that point. It was very scary! The doctors tried to give me anti deppressants I through them away. I started taking vitamin D3, walking everyday and praying. I feel better for now and I just have excepted that its hormones and I try to stay positive. I hope that you are feeling better soon.
  • Posted

    you are "normal" in the sense of being menopausal,l my love My worst symptom is the brain fog it is so embarrassing

  • Posted

    Kim back in march i was told not only was i in the menopausal stage but i was suffering from stress and anxiety i have had stress and anxiety on and off for years and when this started back last November i couldn't understand why i felt like utter rubbish I cried every day for three months i had all the symptoms that goes with anxiety and in march I was told I was peri so no wonder i felt worthless and had every symptom going. my worst symptom i would say is the brain fog. I can be talking to someone and mid sentence forget what im saying I also forget completely peoples names and you would not believe where i have found my keys purse ect. some days i can sleep up to three hours in the day when im not working and still sleep at night. yes it can strip your personality away but keep telling your self its the menopause and anxiety. my doctor actually turned round and said she felt sorry for me having a double whammy lol. if you can take the natural suppliments yes im on conventional meds but they are topped up with supplements keep strong my love and hopefully your bad days will become less and you have more good days confused 

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      You will not believe! My husband rins me every morning and reminds me about everything. Love him xx
  • Posted

    Hi Kim, I'm aboard the same boat. I've began vits and either the increase in my antidepressants are helping or my hormones are behaving as I've felt better the past week. Its normal I've come to believe.

  • Posted

    Im right there with ya. I feel crazy too... In the mornings are the worst

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