I feel like something has taken over my body ....and it's not nice
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Hi I'm hoping somebody can help me , I'm nearly 43 and for a couple of years have been suffering with night sweats and heart palpitations , but just over a week ago my heart went completely crazy and out of rhythm which lasted for a few minutes , this has been checked over with my gp and Im awaiting an appointment with the cardiologist . I've already explained to my doctor that it's happened 3 times before and everytime has been around my period ? But it's falling on deaf ears . I feel in the last week I have zero energy ( literally none ) and I look like a different person ( dark circles under my eyes) my appetite is completely off and I'm having terrible nausea , but worst of all is the horrendous panic and anxiety I'm suffering from , it's taking over my life at the minute , I've had to be signed off work and I'm. Struggling to be the normal level headed mum that I once was . I feel like I'm going crazy and sometimes the thoughts send me into complete panic , I'm hoping I'm not alone in feeling this way .
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metamorphed lynsey64857
you're definitely not alone in this lyndsey. This is what most of us go through. I had all of this which started june2015. It took a year for the crazy stuff to stop. Been through all the heart tests etc., just like you are. You need to have them checked, even though it is hormonal, just for your own piece of mind. This is very difficult for us, this time of life, but it improves over time, but is pretty bad when you're in it. So stay on this forum and the ladies on here will see you through it all. I was told last year by an older lady and I've always remembered it. She says once you hit the wall of menopause (the bad symptoms) it takes about a year and a half to end. I panicked at the time because I thought, i cannot go through this for a year and a half, its too long. and it is! but, I have done a year and 4 months now and I have to say, she was right. Still niggling symptoms, but all of the worst stuff started to ease after six months, and became less and less noticeable. Now, I have palpitations occasionally, but feeling a lot, lot better and more like myself each day. You just have to hang in there, take as much time as you can for yourself, breathe deeply and don't push yourself too much. Tell your family and they will support you. hope this helps a little.
Woo3353 lynsey64857
Reading your post took me back to June this year I went through exactly same, unfortunately I had to succumb and take anti depressants. I also changed my diet cut out all sugar as this effected my palpitations and cut out all rubbish / convenience foods. I also take flaxseed capsules and Magnesium. Yes I still get symptoms but not every hour every day I guess this won't go completely till I have gone all way through menopause. Try not to panic it makes palpitations worse but if your doctor isn't helping get another doctor don't sit and suffer.
lana07071 lynsey64857
beth86610 lynsey64857
Good you are getting it all checked out. First take magnesium. It will stop the heart palpitations. Make sure you have folic acid in your diet. Everyone needs folic acid.
There is also a product which you can buy online and other places. It has calcium and magnsium. Comes in powder form . Mix it with hot water. Take it at bed time. Will help you to sleep too. There are two brands I know of but can't mention here or the moderator will cancel this out.
There are many women and I mean most women here mention anxiety and panic attacks as a side affect of hormones.
But checking everything out is important.
Whino lynsey64857
Hang in there, Ms. Lynsey, peri and menopause are just hell on wheels for some of us. I hope you find relief soon! There are of course many things you can try but I for one am so glad you went to your GP and have a cardio appt. now.
I worry that we tend to assume everything is meno symptoms when sometimes it could be someting more serious that needs to be checked out. Also, perhaps it's not falling on deaf ears that these three cardio incidents were around your period. It's always possible that the hormones at that time trigger an underlying issue or who knows what. In other words, the timing may just not be enough to assume it's from the cycle alone. Sometimes these doctors are just awful with their commication skills. Also, they cram in so many patients that they barely have time to say hello to you. Anyway, hopefully at least you'll get the piece of mind of ruling out any cardio problems. Best wishes to you.
beth86610 lynsey64857
brenda43955 lynsey64857
I just turned 43 and this started happening to me very bad this year. Fist was the fatique. I'm so tired and I just can't funciton. Gaining weight bad and can't work out because I'm getting heart palpitations, light headed and dizzy. Axiety attacks radomly and I've never had them before ever. My periods are all off this year also. I just went to cardiologist and waiting for results. Went to OBG and said my hormones are normal but all the other drs said that hormones can show fine but starting menopause process can still cause these issues.
karen46733 lynsey64857
Hi lynsey, I've not had the heart palpitations but all the other symptoms I've had. I look in the mirror and I look like I've been punched in the eyes the dark circles are that bad!!!
I'm slowly cutting g out caffeine and cutting down on my sugar, I've just brought a smoothie maker to try and get more vitamins inside not sure it's going to work but I'll try anything just to feel like me again.
The black days are very black but it's good on here because you realise you're not nuts and there are lots of us women that are suffering.
Looking back I would say I've been peri for 3-4 years (im 41) so I'm hopping I'm nearly 1/2 way through this roller coaster but to be honest I'm still new to all this and don't understand a lot of it.
Take care
Just wanted to say thank you to all of you lovely ladies that have taken the time out to reply, I feel very comforted in the fact that my horrendous symptoms are just normal ( I'm not going mad ) and that many of you are feeling exactly the same xx