I feel so unwell 😩
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Hi girls, I've not posted for a while as I've been plodding on.. Good days and bad days.
However today I feel awful!!
Yesterday I fell over in a supermarket car park and have no idea how it actually happened. Today I woke up aching all over which I could put down to yesterday's fall but I also feel very dizzy and nauseous and totally 'out of my body' if you know what I mean. As the day unfolds I'm shivery and have a pain under my ribs which comes and goes ( approx every 30 mins or so)
Has anyone experienced same or any thoughts on this?
I've made a Dr appt for later this afternoon. Xx
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Fairy28 Camikitten
michele84063 Fairy28
Fairy28 michele84063
michele84063 Fairy28
Michele x
michele84063 Fairy28
Fairy28 michele84063
paula20385 Fairy28
Take care
paula x
michele84063 Fairy28
Can you talk to your children about how you're feeling? That's too bad re your husband but I think a lot of men find it difficult to understand or sympathise with 'women's problems' and don't want anything to rock the boat.
There are good and bad doctors unfortunately. Would it be possible for you to talk to another doctor in the same practice?
Remember, baby steps to begin with and don't put yourself under any pressure or be too hard on yourself.
Wishing you ggod luck.
Michele x
michele84063 Fairy28
Michele x
Fairy28 paula20385
Fairy28 michele84063
michele84063 Fairy28
Hugs x
Carolmayhew6 michele84063
You hot the nail on the head there
Our brains get ill great way of putting it, although out brain is very clever it can also make us Ill as you say
It's clever at giving signals not to eat drink or sleep n gives out the pain as warning
I'm having everything thrown at me at present just wish my light would come back on as I feel it's switched off at present
Carolmayhew6 Fairy28
I sympathise with you every step of the way even down to your hubby mine is exactly the same as long as it doesn't interfere with his routine n that I need sort myself out yet on Saturday he actually comforted me said not to worry I'll be fine
Like you I have grandchildren n I want to feel my old self again but everyday is an uphill struggle
Just wish I could feel well
I'm having a scope on my left knee tomorrow hoping they find something wrong as I'm beginning to think it's all in my head
As Michelle says our brains get ill and need be made better just wish mine would hurry up xx take care
pat61957 Fairy28
Fairy28 pat61957