I feel terrible
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My physiotherapy is in a group of people. I get 6 weeks of twice a week. I am MILES ahead of everyone in the group and it's my 2nd TKR, so I know the drill.
Something has been building up with one of the physios. Early session I asked if I could please use the bike. It wasn't a group activity - we all need to do the usual "obstacle course". However, she allowed me to do it!
I'm flabbergasted - why? Because today I again pleaded with her to do the bike again and she said yes. Good start. Did the obstacle course, used bigger weights with no problems, it's very obvious that I'm doing super well.
Where did I go wrong? I dared to ask if I could use the treadmill! WOW. I got told by her - oh no, I can't have you doing different things from the group!!
It was a foot away from the group in the same room for goodness sake! I'm mad as hell. What's wrong with these people who don't want to, or can't see the obvious!! Cos I still can't believe it!
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james65509 cheryl86544
I understand
I need to start my therapy on the bike
It heats up both knees and helps take the stiffness out before the (slow bending) exercises
But sometimes I get a different therapist and they want me to do other things first. It is unnecessarily painful that way.
My normal therapist sets up each session with the same goals , but wants to achieve them in the best way possible, while taking how I feel physically into account.
I'm at nine weeks for a bilateral tkr , and am well ahead of where my dr says I should be , but it is because I have a good therapist that listens
cheryl86544 james65509
Midge65 james65509
Your lucky James my therapist does nothing except give my knee a 5 minute massage and a sheet of more exercises to do on my own. It is very hard to keep oneself motivated when you are not getting the encouragement from your PT. She took one of my crutches away at 4 weeks and wanted to take the second 7 weeks post op but I wouldn't allow her because at 11 weeks post op I still need it as the swelling has never gone down and is quite bad. Wish I had your therapist!
james65509 Midge65
tricia1954 cheryl86544
Wow you sound as if you are doing fantastically! Well done.
There is never any explanation for someone being obtuse or just plain awkward. Of course they will always site the usual "health and safety"
cheryl86544 tricia1954
Oldfatguy1 cheryl86544
FRUSTRATING, no doubt. My guess is "that's the way we've always done it and can't make any changes". You'll probably be in tears trying to change her. On the other hand, from her standpoint, if she lets one do it then everyone will want to, creating confusion and chaos. Maybe getting her off in private and explaining that you can see her concerns with the slower ones keeping up but you feel you are being slowed which will have an effect on your development.
cheryl86544 Oldfatguy1
gerianne_69769 cheryl86544
Sounds like you are doing amazingly well!!! My physio was one on one, so I didn't have to worry about what others were doing. And I had an amazing therapist. If there were days that I wasn't feeling too good....she didn't "over-strain" me. Keep up the good work, and maybe ask if you could work ahead, as it's your second time around and know what to expect. The others aren't going to want to keep up with you if they aren't at your level. You sound motivated!!
cheryl86544 gerianne_69769
Thanks Gerianne, I am doing fantastically this time. Last time was horrible with infections in both legs! I won't be able to get any more physio or use of the equipment in 2 weeks or so when it finishes, so it's Very frustrating. I ran into my consultant in the local supermarket and she would've been horrified at their treatment. 76
lyn32416 cheryl86544
Treadmills can be dangerous and my physio said they may drag the knee back. Be careful of being over confident. Please stay safe and try to fit in. It's not forever and soon you can go explore and be who and what you want to be. "Rules are rules. Then there's more rules" so says David Byrne of Talking Heads.
cheryl86544 lyn32416
Hahaha Lyn, Nobody will ever get me to fit it! I'm proud of my rebellious streak and I know my body better than anyone does.
But I appreciate you taking the time
lyn32416 cheryl86544
cheryl86544 lyn32416
lyn32416 cheryl86544
cheryl86544 lyn32416
Yes, it's shocking isn't it.