I finally found a solution to 17 years of constipation
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This isn't a question but I just wanted to share this for anybody that it might help because it truly changed my life. I've had chronic constipation since I was 3 years old. When I was 3, I was molested, and (I was told by my doctor but I'm still not sure how the two are connected) I began holding my poop. I would only hold it for a few days when I was younger, but it became a habit, and by the time I was 10 years old, I could hold it for about 3 months. Some people say that's not physically possible, but trust me it is! My body began to work in a cycle. I would poop, then I would not poop again for 2 weeks, then I would become constipated and hold my poop in for 2 weeks, and then finally I would let one out the size of a softball. This often tore my rectum and cause hemhorroids. When I was about 15 years old, I finally began to realize how serious it was that I only pooped about once a month. So I tried to change it. But by then my body was so adapted to the cycle that nothing I did ever changed anything. I had already taken every type of stool sofener ever, and eventually even enemas stopped working for me. Constipation was literally controlling my life. I had no friends anymore because I was too uncomfortable to go out and do anything, and I often missed weeks of school at a time because I could not move or I would be in so much pain. Over my life I had been in the hospital a few times and they gave me an enema and stool softeners and discharged me. The problem always came back. I suffered with this problem all the way through my junior year of high school. I would come home at 17 years old my would be crying and searching the Internet for anything that could help me. Doctors didn't even know what to do anymore. One day, when I was 17 years old, my mom took me to the hospital because I had not pooped in about 2 months and I felt like I was dying. They gave me an x Ray and told me that I was completely impacted. No enemas or stool softener a could fix it, I was going to need surgery. I was transferred as to Neumors children's hospital as an emergency patient and placed in the icu for a surgery the next morning. Then my doctor decided that a surgery should be the last option. They gave me enemas and had me drink 2 gallons of mural ax in one night. It made me have to poop so bad but I couldn't. So here I was, a 17 year old girl in the icu on tons of pain medicine, crying and leaking poop all over the bed and floor, while my mom was in the same room. Not a pretty picture, I know. I was in so much pain and so depressed in the icu for four days before they finally did the surgery. I was put under anesthesia and when I woke up I felt great. They had manually removed all the stool from my body. I was told to take miralax twice a day and a stimulant laxative every morning. Doctors advise against taking these regularly, but in my case it was necessary. I was also put on Zoloft, for anxiety. I'm not 18 years old and I have not had any problems with constipation for almost a year. I've had this problem all my life and I honestly thought nothing would ever work for me. I thought I would never get married or have kids, I would be a virgin my whole life. But my entire life has been turned around in such an amazing way. For any moms out there desperately looking for a cure to their kid's constipation, this may not work for everybody, but it sure as hell did wonders for me. Fist you need to get ALL of the stool out so that you can completely start over. I had this done in a hospital, but you can do a simple intestinal clean out, just find one online. Then I took a cap of miralax every morning. When I got home from school, I took a stimulant laxative to give me the urge to poop. If you have done the clean out and taken the miralax, it should be almost diarrhea and it would come out easily. Continue this for a few months until your body get used to NOT holding poop anymore. And if you hold your poop, you may want to consider an antianxiety medication to relax you. The Zoloft did really help me a lot. I'm currently still taking Zoloft, but no stool softeners. And I haven't had a problem in almost a year. Sorry for all the nasty details and everything that was TMI, but it's worth it if it helps ANYBODY because nobody truly knows wheat this is like until they experience it.
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colleen73927 Caybee
Caybee colleen73927
Mandahugs colleen73927
carol27042 colleen73927
mark05288 Caybee
Thejudy68 Caybee
Maybe do you take the Doculax every day with the Miralax ? I wasn't sure. It's strange how some things work on some people and not on others. Thanks..
noconstipation Mandahugs
rosaly01927 Caybee
Hi Caybee
What have the doctors said since this last post? I'm in a familiar situation like yours, I asked about having Linzess but got Lactose instead which I'm trying everyday to see if it will fix my constipation.. Mine is also severe, I thought maybe getting a Stoma would help but not sure. Keep me updated with your situation.
louann95772 rosaly01927
Oh i never knu this forum.existed. You feel so alone and peopls never understand. Finally foe me at 50 my appendix broke. Then they removed my large colon. I continued to get bowell obstructions. They gave me an ileostomy and.still got obstructions. And ilsostomies are disgusting, hard work and just a pain. The bags break. And i still got obstruction s. which doctors blamed on me. I wNted to die. Finally after multiple surgeries a doctor reversed my ileostomy. Which left me.fecally incontinent. But now i am constipated again. My grandmother had a lot of bowel issues so i believe its inherited. Along with her bowel i got her scoliosis - crooked as a jahbired with very limited mobility. Nevsrgot pregnant, or remained successfully in a relation. I have so many adhesions, take so much abuse. i really wishi would just die. Going tl dr in dec. again. Hopefully she can help. i eat well, exercise butnothing. Thanks for listenkng.
fiona9688 Caybee
Mandahugs fiona9688
Mandahugs Caybee
Anyway, my experiences pale into insignificance compared to what you and your mother have been through. I am so happy for you that you are on the mend at last and so sorry you had to go through all those years of suffering.
I want to thank you for posting your story, as it is so uplifting to hear when someone finally has a big success. I think it renews hope for others still suffering and your description may be the answer for someone else with similar problems. My problems are a bit more complex, but not as serious, so for me - reading your story makes me feel happy for you, a bit more hopeful and puts my troubles in perspective. All the best to you, enjoy life and look after your body so that when you get to my age you're fit and healthy enough to deal with anything life throws at you. This is something I wish I'd done as I'm now in my late forties and don't have the stamina I would like to cope with my current difficulties. I know you will look after yourself because you already know what it feels like when things aren't working right and how much physical and mental energy it takes to deal with chronic health problems! Great post!
kimla10 Caybee
i am late at replying but i got Miralax from my dad a couple hrs ago and it is great. i use it alongside (or when needed,) a smoothie in ice tray - this is green apple, carrot, frozen spinach cube, with a hint of frozen ginger & other relief herbs if want. Put this in an ice tray and have one every evening. This is absolutely great! this is so good i use Miralax as a stand-by.
i just wanted to say Miralax is the best!! i just wish i could find a way of combating the middrift weight gain associated with condition!!!! Pilates okay, Zumba x1 mth but determined.......
thank you all
Thejudy68 kimla10
jenni32981 Caybee
Thank you so much for posting this, although quite an embarrassing and tramatic event in your life, you are now so much stronger than most girls your age for your perseverance! I was in tears reading your story as you never know what you will find when you do a web search on - constipation, fever, & softball-sized stool....and I was blessed to come upon your story.My daughter has never had a regular bowel movement. Doctors do the same things every time so they are useless, but my daughter has been through so much at only 7 years of age that I shutter at the thought of her future mirroring yours if we dont fix this now. She clogs the toilet every single time she goes, and it fills the entire pipe, even having needed manual chopping with a knife to get it flushed. I can only imagine how this pains her, she is embarrassed naturally and tries to hide it, so the toilet tells us every time, and she goes back and forth between 2 households so it is hard to keep ontop of. Her stepsister has the exact same, very picky, selection of food choices that constitute her less than square meal plan and I dont think she eats at all at school, but she goes every morning like clockwork.This child is so picky, for desert, if there is no plain chocolate icecream, she goes without any sweets. But anyways, we have been trying all sorts of supplements and even the age old mineral oil solution( she says it is like eating lipstick😛
, but your suggestions are simply a god send because it is easy for dr.s to give you meds and send you on your way, like this is common, but they dont know what to do, and nothing makes you feel more helpless than watching your child suffer and being unable to help her. Your mom knows all too well I am sure. But thank you for your courage in telling this story and pray that my Naomi can turn this around before it controls her life.