I get stomach flu symptoms every few months

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Started off after i had unprotected sex with someone, though i don't know if that's related or not. always starts off with having to constantly urinate, then i get stomach pain, extreme fatigue, chills (no fever). first time i had it i threw up blood at the 4 week mark and had to go to the ER. i recover, then 2/3 months later it will come back.

doctors did every std test, a bunch of blood tests, stool test for chrohn's, and couldn't find anything. the only thing they found was a small bowel obstruction the first time i threw up, but thats gone away. the only thing they can think of is that its a recurring virus that doesnt want to go away. this is the 3rd time ive been sick with this since last september.

any advice or ideas would be helpful. thanks. mostly im just frustrated because i cant figure out what this is

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I've never heard of someone getting recurring flu symptoms. Are you gay? If so I would take an aids test. If you are not gay then you need to get another doctor. Get a second opinion. I would.

  • Posted

    straight. got an hiv test twice, came back negative both times

  • Posted

    Id say get some allergy testing done, you may be eating something that is causing flare ups. Flare ups can wreak your immune system, cause uti's due to bacteria over growth also. If youve been checked for everything else id look at what your reacting too. Worth noting you dont have to have an immediate reaction to foods, a flare up can be caused over time.

    See an Keinesiolost -sorry cant spell it but they work wonders at pin pointing the root cause.

  • Posted

    Did they say anything about a possible bacterial infection from having unprotected sex? When sickness comes back, how long does it last? I'd try a new doctor (gastroenterologist) and if they cant come up with anything maybe try some herbs or something like Mastic gum. Mastic gum kills bad bacteria in the gut and is pretty harmless. Take a probiotic with it if you wanted to give it a try. Do some research on your own about it. If your problem is unrelated to the sexual encounter then you need to look into food allergies/intolerances. Do you eat a lot of fast food? Gluten? Dairy? My daughter has IBS and if she eats the wrong thing shes puking with diarrhea. Her stomach then gets inflammed which presses on her bladder and causes frequent urination like you get. Not saying you have IBS but Id pay attention to what your eating/ food diary. Hope this helps!

  • Edited

    thanks for the responses. they thought it may have been a uti/bacterial infection.

    they gave me tons of antibiotics but they didnt do anything

    the sickness usually lasts 4-5 weeks

  • Posted

    Doctors always have trouble diagnosing and invisible disease. I went thru so many tests, blood work, being called a drug addict cause I smoked week at the time, they kept telling me it was the weed causing it. Then I found an answer myself. cyclic vomiting Syndrome. are you throwing up every time or just nauseous? it shows up differently for everyone. but usually throwing up is the main thing. fatigue, nausea and it shows up when it shows up. stress makes it come on for sure. do you keep a food diary? start making a diary of what you did exactly the day it starts. it will help. good luck!

  • Posted

    Hi john22452

    You should be referred to a Urologist and have a cystoscopy you may have a bladder infection if you are urinating frequently. Ask your doctor to refer you to a Urologist...

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