I give up....I’m thinking of going on Zoloft
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Ok so i was prescribed zoloft a long time ago for my depression and anxiety that is related to this horrible perimenopause hell!! My last period was July 31st and ever since then i feel like ive been stuck in constant pms mode! I feel sick, dizzy, bloated, crampy....mentally i feel lost, super anxious to the point where i cant leave my house and very depressed cause im tired of living this way! So my question is can i just stay on zoloft indefinitely cause i dont want to ever have to deal with withdrawals and has anyone had any luck with zoloft helping their perimenopause nausea/depression and anxiety? I dont want to go on the drug i know i will be handcuffed to for life if it isnt going to help me.
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jude84900 Guest
Hi Brandy,
Why not go on bio identical hormones? Keep in mind your body isn't missing a anti depressant it is missing the hormones that have kept you sane and healthy. That is why you feel the way you do. A antidepressant might mask the symptoms but doesn't really solve what the issue is. You have a long journey to go. We are living way longer now than ever before. Quality of life has to be taken into consideration for these last years that could be 30-40 years, maybe longer! I'm in full menopause. No periods for over 4 years and started bio identical creams within the first months of periods ending. I am now on the pellets and will stay on them the rest of my life. Menopause issues gone because I've replaced what my body isn't making anymore. Even women that have had history of cancer can benefit from just testosterone pellets, made for women, to get on with their life and feel good again. The body knows and recognizes bio identical hormones and uses them the way our own hormones did. A good doctor that knows what their doing is so important. I'm talking about bio identical hormones, not synthetic. Good Luck!
Guest jude84900
I have tried hormones for several months and it actually made me feel worse. But thanks for the advice!
heidiparthena Guest
I am on Zoloft. Best decision I ever made. My anxiety (I have GAD in addition to peri anxiety) is manageable now and I have zero side effects from it. I am on a very low dose (50mg). Not all SSRI's work the same for all people, and they even work differently at different times in people's lives, so don't give up. I tried Celexa and it made everything so much worse and had sexual side effects, but Zoloft has been a miracle for me. Good luck! xo Heidi
Guest heidiparthena
To be honest i have had mild depression and anxiety my whole life and it never even needed medication at all.But then after i had my last son 14 years ago i had the baby blues so i went on zoloft for one year and it was a godsend. I was just fine after that until i hit the age of 38 and i started struggling with terrible symptoms before & during my periods so i just thought it was pmdd. Now im almost 42 years old and i have the worst perimenopause symptoms ever! Im nauseated 24/7, im dizzy, faint feeling, hot flashes, dry skin & hair, very depressed, extremely anxious and now my periods in the past 2 years have been all over the place!! sometimes they are 60 days apart, sometimes 95 and this last time 182 days apart!! ive tried hormones they made me sicker...im just so tired of this. i have tried zoloft twice but couldnt get passed its start up effects on top of my hormones....i just need to know it will at least help so thanks for the reply
Amalie13 Guest
I feel your pain. I have had these issues my entire life, and they were previously manageable on various dosages of Paxil......for 19 years. For the past three years with peri, the drug stopped working. Initially I attempted to switch to Zoloft, which was not good. Went back to Paxil, reluctantly. Now, I am finally biting the bullet.....recently tapered off Paxil and am on 75 mg of Effexor. I do feel anxiety, however I absolutely had to get off the Paxil. It has so many bad side effects, not to mention the fact that it had quit working. I am also taking Gabopentin four times a day (commonly known as Neurotin), which does have a calming effect. It is also a mood stabiliser. I am willing to give Effexor a chance, and I have enrolled in formal CBT / Exposure therapy. We will see!! If the Effexor is a no go, than I will probably try Prozac.
kelly55079 Guest
I feel you should and give it a chance. Zoloft helps so many people. My spouse has high aniexty and started zoloft this past monday and he woke up super anxious THIS morning so my guess is he stopped taking it which another issue. : ( I have read that ppl are on it for years and do just fine and then others slowly get off after a couple years. This will be your choice of course. I've read many good things on zoloft and this is why I wanted my spouse to try. BUT I have also read about Lexapro which also helps with hot flashes and such. You are 42 and need to find something that works for you. Best of luck!!
maddysmom2015 Guest
I did take Zoloft in grad school when I was very depressed. It did help even things out. It's worth a try. I do remember some nausea and dizziness as I got used to it.
NothinforNothin Guest
Hi Brandy:
7 months ago I collapsed. I did know what was happening with me. I had intense anxiety and panic attacks after the collapse. I wasn't thinking perimenopause at the time because I had been under a lot of stress but, I'm 48 and peri has hit pretty much everyone I know around that age. I'm 100 percent sure it was a drop in estrogen that caused my collapse. I then realized I'd been having a lot of peri symptoms without relating them to that at all . To be honest I knew menopause would happen but, didn't know anything about peri. Know one ever talks about that and if you do talk to someone about it. They ask you if you've had a hot flash. Well I didn't get any hot flashes. I just got the worst of peri symptoms. At that time I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety though because like many others. All my blood work, x-rays came back normal. My doctor put me on sertraline and I wound up in the emergency room with bruising all over my legs. Stopped that. They then tried me on Zoloft. The problem I had was complete feelings of numbness. No highs no lows. I continued like this for several months until I was like I can't do this anymore. My doctor stated that some people have that side effect. You stated you had been on it before. I don't know if you experienced that type of symptom from taking it or not but, I couldn't continue like that. Your not living when you have perimenopause but, your not living either when your walking around and your emotionally numb to everything. So, that was my experience and I did lose a lot of weight when I was taking the Zoloft. I also, didn't feel well from losing all the weight I lost. Yes, everyone told me I looked good but, I felt awful. I'm trying a more natural approach. I just started GNC's Ultra Mega Menopause Vitapak Program. It has many great reviews online. I've been on it for 3 days and it is starting to calm me down from anxiety. They say it takes a couple weeks though to kick in. I also, take Ginseng for energy, B6, D3, theanine and magnesium. I'm thinking of looking into a Naturopathic Doctor. Anyways, I hope you make it out of this too. Keep busy. I just put out my Halloween decorations tonight. Didn't feel like it but, I continue to push everyday regardless. I have hope this hell will end soon! Take Care
I just joined this website tonight. I don't know if you received my entire reply to your message. If not please, message me. I will send again! Figures that would happen..ha
Hello....i hear you! My life is hell and i feel like nobody is listening. I remember when the rug was pulled out from under me as well....i was completely normal and then one day im in a grocery store and bam my life is hell!! I felt do sick, dizzy and scared for no reason!! That went on for two years and then the hot flashes began and the way far apart periods, dizziness, nausea, losing 20 pounds myself....i just didnt feel "right" and havent since then. I just sit and cry cause nobody understands and my dr or therapist dont believe me. Ive spent tons of money on therapy, drs tests and antidepressants and supplements just to still end up feeling the same