i got an issue with my eating on any soild foods
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i'm desperate this start to drives me crazy no matter what type of food any solid foods from protein base to carbs even salads anything solid i ate i immediately feel super sleepy i mean like been drugged sleepy
i tried even coffee tea walking around little bit after food nothing work!
either i sleep for a while or i get nasty headache then have to sleep even more to back to norm
its really affect my daily routines and work i couldn't find good solution for this issue
i appreciate if you can help
tnX in advance
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marvin51364 aminlv
try liquid foods then
slimfast, milk or yogart with fruit and raw eggs.
soups with burnt brow bread
aminlv marvin51364
yeah whenever i need to stay wake i use liquid foods! but i didnt be like this before!
wondering why and how can i fix it i cant just drink my foods forever!
pippa58442 aminlv
Have you tried a food diary?
aminlv pippa58442
i tried but its useless since its not just food allergy or something any sorta of solid food make me drowsy and either i have to sleep or have headache!
and its not lack of sleep either lets say i slept for 7 hours breakfast then i need sleep
then wake few hours lunch then i need sleep its just crazy
its messing up my life in worst way possible
pippa58442 aminlv
Maybe go and see your doctor to get some testing done . How long has this been going on?
aminlv pippa58442
a month or so...
well can't do at the moment where i live is corona outbreak most hospitals dont even accept patience except on emergency cases...
pippa58442 aminlv
Try seeing your family doctor for advice.