I Got Bleeding Hours After Sex
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Last November 26 me and my boyfriend tried to have sex. However as soon as the head of his penis entered my flower, it pains me that's why I told him to pull out. We tried again for like three times but it still hurts so we stopped. For like 15-20 hours after that, I spotted a thick blood in my undies I thought I had my period but it did not continue. The next day I got a yellowish discharge and again it stopped. Now four days from that I am alarmed because my period hasn't come yet. Please help. Ps: we didn't have any sexual intercourse before that.
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kim12266 honeypieee
had u ever had sex prior to this
honeypieee kim12266
@kim16265 hello, we ha didn't do it for a while now, that's why I am confused if it was implantation bleeding because I don't think it would occur immediately after hours of sex, also I had my normal ovulation two weeks before basing from my discharge. thank you
kim12266 honeypieee
it would be to soom for implatiation bleeding what i would suggest u do is book in to see a doctor to try find out the cause any bleeding outside the normal menstrul cycle needs investigation specially if its quite a heavy bleed polyps and other issues can cause bleeding after sex so a proper examination would need to be done sometimes there is no cause for it sometimes an infection can cause bleeding its better to be safe than sorry to be fair
also if u was in pain whilst trying to have sex the bleeding could be from a tear or cut in which case it should stop and recover by itself but it would be better to get checked out ti make sure that its not come from the cervix or that anything else has caused it
honeypieee kim12266
that really helps, thank you so much @kim16265