I got circumcised 2 weeks ago
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Hello everyone.
I got circumcised 2 weeks ago and i'm having a problem.
On one side of the penis below the head i have like a small swollen ring and on the other side it looks nice and even and not thick at all.
Is this a very poorly performed circumcision ?
I don't know what i should do with this scuffed penis of mine this was my 2nd operation on my penis in 3 months.
First frenuloplasty and exactly 2 weeks ago the circumcision.
I added pics for clarification.
I really feel like a clown with this swollen 'ring' on one side.
I'm really embarresed actualy.
PS sorry for my crappy english i'm belgian.
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Pepasan john23003
It's far too soon to conclude the operation was done incorrectly. When I had eyelid reduction surgery the end result was not clear for months even years, as scar tissue takes a long time to fully settle.
john23003 Pepasan
Yeah that makes sense, I just find it weird that it's only on one side which got me thinking the surgeon did a s****y job and they said he's on of the 'best' in my country.
I'm even starting to think it's an uneven cut like he left to much skin on one side...
I'm so angry and unhappy i wish i never had this done !
Pepasan john23003
Be patient. It'll probably settle to look much better in time.
john23003 Pepasan
You are right i'm just being angry over nothing.
i will post an update here in 1-2 weeks.
Thanks for the advice.
Pepasan john23003
ml66uk john23003
I've only just seen this post, but that doesn't look unusual two weeks after a circumcision. It actually looks like a well performed circumcision and seems to be healing quite nicely. I'd expect the swelling to reduce over the next few weeks. Please let us know how you're getting on though.
Why did you have the circumcision? Presumably bad phimosis, or frenulum breve.
john23003 ml66uk
Hey man, i was going to update today here on how my healing process is going.
That's good to hear and yeah i dont know if the swelling is going down yet i just made 3 pics today so you can see for yourself. But it's good news to hear that it's normal.
I have an appointment at my doctor tomorrow for a checkup on how it's healing. I hope he has good news as well for me.
I'm 22 days into recovery now.
And i first had a frenuloplasty in June thinking it would fix my problem after i was healed and i tried it out i still had the problem and after some research i discovered it was being caused by a tight foreskin.
That's when i decided to have the circumcision.
ml66uk john23003
Glad to hear the swelling is going down, and I think you'll be fine in a few more weeks. What was the original problem though? Phimosis? Do you know how bad it was, and did you try stretching or steroid creams? If you have any pics of what it looked like before your operations, or after the first operation, they would be useful for anyone else with phimosis.
john23003 ml66uk
I went to the doctor today and he said that the swelling will go down faster when the sutures are disolved.
Now taking baths everyday to disolve them faster 1 already came off.
And yeah in my case it was mild phimosis it clean it and all that i had 0 problems when flacid.
When fully erect i never had problems when i was younger when i reached the age of 18-19 however as my penis grew larger i began to have pain while having sex.
I would notice small paper like cuts after sex and i couldn't have sex for weeks then.
I knew i had a very tight frenulum from birth which i always knew but kinda avoided it because of the operations etc.
After talking it over with my urologist I deciced to have a frenuloplasty.
So i did that and recovered and then had sex and still had the same freaking problem.
After that i discovered i had mild phimosis.
And no sorry i don't have any before pics.
If someone reads this topic who was suffering like i was.
I hope this gives you hope or strength to take action the sooner you do something about it the better.