I got my results today
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For those that have been following me know what all I have been through for the last 2 months and half of tormenting fear! This nightmare started June 2, 2016 when I woke up at 59 years old (post menopause ) blood gushing out of me after NO period for 19 months which was only spotting for 7 days and then 9 months later June 2, 2016 I woke up bleeding so heavy I had to be rushed to ER thought I was hemmorraging! After test ran and a transvaginal ultra sound which showed 9mm lining thickness I was told I had to have a uterus bisopy done. I just got my results all back today NO CANCER! NO hyperplasia either! They said my results was perfect! BUT heres the kicker the blood work showed that I am NOT menopause after 19 months of no periods! She said that I am peri-menopause at 59 years old! Said I may have a few more years yet before menopause. She said the body dont know those months of the usual 12 months that says you are menopause. She said I may even ovulate again! They canceled my next appointment which was in two weeks said just come back next year for your regular appointmen! I thank God for my awesome report! I thank all of you ladies for your prayers!
5 likes, 9 replies
tbaby Guest
I'm so happy for you! You are blessed to have such a great outcome. The Lord is keeping you in his hands😊
paisleygirl Guest
that's great news :-)
2chr2015 Guest
Michellestar87 Guest
Fantastic news 😊😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Trishann Guest
Oh wow! 🙏🏼 hope all is well
Cass63 Guest
Thank You JESUS for this wonderful report. All Praise and Glory be to You Sweet JESUS! 🙏👼🏻
Guest Cass63
Amen Cass! God is good and He is our geat Physcian!
I hope the women who are in their late 50's and early 60's or even suppose to be menopause not to be tormented with fear like I was or the "norm" that GYN and doctors scare us with! Get things checked out for sure, but try not to let paralizing fear control you like, it did me. ;-( I mean everythng was against me according to GYN's and ER doctors like my age (59) post menopause according to their 12 month rule (my body doesnt knows those months) but I beleived what the norm was so went into fear mode like you would not believe. My post menopause, heavy bleeding ended me in ER. Having lining 9mm all the doctors and google scaring me to death! To their shock blood work showing I wasnt even menopause after going 19 months without a period. Imagine my shock of waking up with blood gushing out of me like a running faucet and I knew I hadnt had a period in 19 months! I thank God the Bisopy showed no cancer not even hyperplasia which the 9mm lining and gyn's and doctors indicated. My pap smear was good too, which scared me to have done because I had NOT had one in a little over 20 years! As old as I am the only cancer I was aware of for females was cervical, this uterus stuff I knew nothing about! I was aware of ovarian cancer but only those two. But when somethng happens and its all outside of the "norm" automatically we kick in fear mode because it feels like the odds are against us but thank God that is NOT always the case.
DearDoe Guest
Palenaka Guest