I had lipo. In pain but the best decision I made for myself
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Hello Ladies. Last Wednesday i had lipo done on my stomach, back, arms inner and outer thighs. The reason i did it was because since peri I gained 45lbs and everyday had been a struggle for me dealing with the symptoms but the worst part of it was the mental torment having to see myself in the mirror. Before peri I use to be fit and happy and confident in myself then suddenly one day BAM out of nowhere came hell. The weight came on gradually and then my clothes didn't fit, I felt disgusted and when i started a new exercise plan in went downhill because some days the energy was not there and the symptoms would be to much to work out. I had friends tell me not to do lipo but i went forward and did it. The procedure took 3 and a half hrs. Wednesday night was quite painful up until Friday night. Today i was able to move around some without too much discomfort. I must admit that wearing the compression garment is uncomfortable but with time i will get use to it. For best results i was told to wear it for 3 months. When i look in the mirror now even swollen i look much smaller. I have a way smaller stomach, waist and no more rubbing of my inner thighs which i hated the most. I would highly recommend anyone on this forum to do it. Mentally i feel so much more uplifted and so ready for 2020. I made a lot of drastic changes in my life over the past 5 months. I moved and also bought a new car. I realized that i had to make changes to see positive results in my life mentally and physically. Hoping , wishing and praying that next yr will be better than this yr. This yr had been complete hell a total right off. I will keep you all updated on my progress. I feel that i need some rest. All take care. God bless
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unico31026 hopeforever
Congrats! ive been wanting lipo on my stomach and if you dont mind me asking , was it real expensive?
hopeforever unico31026
Check private message
Keljo48 hopeforever
Congrats! Can I ask how old you are and how long you had the weight? I would love to have lipo and some lifting done. But I feel I am too old and been overweight too long sigh, not to mention I struggle with pain issues in post menopause that I never had even in peri.
hopeforever Keljo48
Hello Keljo you are never to old to look and feel good. I am 47. As i said the weight creeped on slowly then it seemed like one day OMG. Its not even like i am a junk food eater. Before surgery my weigh in was 172 lbs. I say go for it. Do what you need to do to feel good. Life is too short to live like this. I have been through a lot in my life but peri tops the list on the most hellish experience i ever had. Start off next yr telling yourself that you are going to look good and feel good again and do what ever the hell it takes. Don't listen to no one but yourself. Good luck
kelly55079 hopeforever
Good for you!!! I would be happy too.. I thought I always took care of my skin but lately my jowls and laugh lines are REALLY bothering me. I look sad, depressed and old!!! So I'm going to my derm this week to look into fillers for this area.. Even if I feel like crap- would at least like to look happy... I saw an interview with Dolly Par.... and she was saying how everyone said she always looks happy-- she said it was the botox that made her look happy!! ha ha So I think I need to do this for me.
hopeforever kelly55079
Hello Kelly. Do it. I would highly recommend you look into a thread lift for your jowls and laugh lines. A coworker of mine did it for her laugh lines and when she came back to work she looked like a new woman. A much younger woman. Her laugh lines were so noticible and so deep but now she looks great. It took off i would say 10 to 15 yrs. Fillers are good too don't get me wrong but for upkeep you have to go around 3 times a yr and with this threading procedure it last 2 yrs. I say do whatever the hell would make you look good and feel good. Isn't that what life is all about. Go for it. Good luck
christine-Perim hopeforever
happy for you! hope recovery goes well.
hopeforever christine-Perim
Thank you Christine
sharcerv52408 hopeforever
Congratulations on your decision. I too have been struggling with my weight due to my hormones. I carry my weight in my breasts and would like to have a breast reduction surgery but I am about to move soon. I think it would help with my back aches if this weight were taken off of my chest.
lisa95354 sharcerv52408
heyvthee Sharcerv, our breasts change because our milk sacks turn to fat, yes I know unbelievable, but it’s true 😦
sharcerv52408 lisa95354
I guess it's that and the fact that the women on my mother's side of the family are all full-breasted. They have quite a time doing my mammograms because in addition to being busty, my breasts are also very cystic. They always have to take extra films. 🙄