i had major surgery 3 months ago to treat a ruptured ect...
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i had major surgery 3 months ago to treat a ruptured ectopic pregnancy i had 2 litres of blood in my abdomen and they removed the right fallopian tube.i was aware of my pregnancy and i was well aware of an ectopic cause i had 2 blocked fallopian tubes.i stayed in hospital for that weekend i found out as they wanted to find out if the baby was in the right place. so after tests and scans they told me everything was ok and sent me home i was delighted and everyone in my and my husbands family were over the moon til i started taking severe pains and i admitted myself into hospital as my own doctors didnt take me on they put it down to ibs.the doc's in the hospital still comfermed a uterus pregnancy and seen a collection behind the womb they weren't sure if it was fluid or blood so they done a full blood count and my blood dropped from 12 to 9.the fallowing day the doc came round to see me and he was sending me home said things seemed ok only a half an hour later i went into severe shock and was rushed to threatre only to be told after surgery i had a ruptuerd right fallopian tube i couldn't believe it and still cant 3 months on i am still in pain worse now than i was after the surgery.i cant seem to move on because the pain reminds me of the pain.anyone who has went through the same as me please email me i'd love to hear from you to hear your views.
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O.k. so I moved on I ended up meeting a new man (he is the love of my life now) compared to want that b**tard was treating me like. From Feb to end of April, I was going the gym, I was loosing weight.
I had no idea I was even pregnant until one night on April 18th 2007, I started having constipation, going dizzy, overheating..... I fainted in the toilet. I did not know what was wrong with me. I am living with my mum only and she thought I had food poisoning. I could not breathe. If I breathed in I would start getting the worse pains I have ever felt in my whole life. What I would go dizzy...felt like I was dying. Cause that’s what I was. Dyeing.
My mum made me go to bed and I woke up screaming. I had this shock pain right up my chest. If I panicked I would go into a fit. And shake. I felt like my life was over. My body was sweating at this point. My Mum was on her way out to work. I would have been left on house on my own! I pleaded with my mum to help me!!! Really! My mum rang the ambulance. They came and guess what they said think you have a bug go to bed.
I said no I am going.
I got the hospital and they did not know what was wrong with me. Then this doctor passed my cubicle and said she is white! They rushed me into emergency ward.
Asked me if I was pregnant. I said no. I had left my ex boyfriend three months ago! I lost weight. No way was I (well that’s what I thought I got my eyes wiped)
They done all tests and took me of a scan. The scan person asked me if I was pregnant cause you should not get scans of you are!!! I said N0 iwa convinced that I was not pregnant. I thought I have food poisoning or something.
Then made me take a wee sample. They said she has got a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
I was three months pregnant!!
I felt sick!! I could not believe it. My emotions were all over the place. They started injecting morphine into my body. I could feel it running through my veins!!
I went into theatre at 12.12 lunches and did not get out till 4pm.
I could not move my body. I lied in the ward for days!!!
My ex boyfriend came to see me and thought that we could just get back together. I hated him now!! He made this happen to me! I didn’t even want the baby so it was like punishment for following others! Not doing what I really wanted.
To be honest I think now that it was a blessing! It made me realise that he was not the one for me!
I can’t get over that I lost a bay though. I hate my scar, my fallopian tube has gone. My belly is swollen and I have put on weight.
I am traumatised by the whole thing. Sometimes when I am around children I feel sad.
I’ve got to get on with my life...but I am scared for life. My new boyfriend stuck by me the whole way even though it was another mans child that I lost. I have got to think positive now and look to my future. Its bright now, I have a really good job, a wonderful boyfriend and ive got my life (I could have been dead now) so that is a blessing I think.
[quote:663e03ee49=\"O.\"]i had major surgery 3 months ago to treat a ruptured ectopic pregnancy i had 2 litres of blood in my abdomen and they removed the right fallopian tube.i was aware of my pregnancy and i was well aware of an ectopic cause i had 2 blocked fallopian tubes.i stayed in hospital for that weekend i found out as they wanted to find out if the baby was in the right place. so after tests and scans they told me everything was ok and sent me home i was delighted and everyone in my and my husbands family w