i had the marina coil fitted 22 days ago and since it ha...

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i had the marina coil fitted 22 days ago and since it has been fitted i have not stopped bleeding. also for the first 2 weeks i had excrutiating pain with a throbbing that went right down my leg. i am concerned that something has gone wrong or i am not suited to it, or, is this normal for the first few months? i was really looking forward to having the marina as my friends have said that they now have a new lease of life, and as i had extremely heavy periods and became eneamic and constantly tired i felt there was a light at the end of the tunnel and felt hopeful that i might be able to start enjoying my life. can any one please tell me if this will subside as i dont know whether 2 see my GP and im feeling really dispondent and losing faith. what i want to here is 'yes this will soon pass and it will be great, stick with it'. awaiting your replies in anticipation and hope?

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    I have had the marina coil fitted for four and a half years....No probs periods vary from light three days..or just a few spots....No other side effects..am nine and a half stone...was always eight and a half stones...so i guess it has caused me to settle at a heavier weight.I understand that the hormone in the marina stays localised to your womb and does not as such enter your blood stream.I was very sensitive to the pill i became a nutter...and gained lots of weight.I got pregnant twice on the mini pill.And lost a ovary and a bit due to cysts after having had the copper iud...also the smell after sex was wrong but the doc said this was normal....i do recommend the marina coil as it is the only way i have prevented further pregnancies it seems the best of a bad lot...i am 32 with four children and a new partner whom one day i may want to have another baby with.So tubes tied is not an option.:magic:

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    hi, this is an up date to my origional message. 'well' i am still bleeding, so it has now been 36 days of none stop period, although it is knowere near as bad as before with 10 days of gushing and very large clots. the pain has eased a bit but still get a searing pain from my right ovaries and down my right leg. on the positive side, at least i have a leg? i feel tired and snappy but still optomistic that things will get better. but then again i did believe in fairies and santa till i was 25?

    whats upsetting me more is the fact that a friend of mine felt very sympathetic because i hadnt indulged in any sexual activity 4 some years. This is because i have strong values. Oh, and because im very fussy, and well maybe because i cant get a fella. Therefor she bought me a rampant rabbit from Ann Summers to get me over this period in my life (this has also been a long period). Having been bleeding for so long, you may imagine my frustration at not being able to use it. The anticipation of what ive heard about rampant rabbits is killing me?

    More to the point, and possibly nievely. Can i use a You know what with the marina? I know, I know, what a daft question. BUT. could it dislodge it etc. i believe they go very fast and i have this vision of it ending up somewhere else or causing it or me damage. You wouldnt believe im 43 would you? ive lead a very sheltered life and i have a very active imagination.

    i await your reply with trepidation. DEB

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    Honey I just had to reply after reading your post and I can really empathise with you - you poor thing! Firstly, get the bloody coil removed, something is not right at all there, it should NOT bleed for more than a few days in some people or just occasional spotting till it settles. I would not be surprised if it has been fitted incorrectly or if you have a tilted womb maybe (some women with very heavy periods and ovary pain tend to have inverted wombs ie. they tilt the other way to most women's - you may also have fibroids). Make sure you have an ultra sound scan to rule out fibroids or other causes - if you're doc has never suggested this then get another GP quick! he/she sounds crap.

    All I can say is I used to have hurrendous periods for ten days at a time, gushing all over the place, soaking right through tampons within minutes with big clots. Sorry to be graphic. What has worked for me and the ONLY contraceptive pill which cured my heavy periods and never put any weight on me was Dianette. Its actually designed for skin problems and those who suffer with facial acne or sebacious cysts but its also a premium contraceptive pill. Ok with any pill there are possible side effects and risks as we get older but you can get hit by a bus tomorrow. I have been on it for over 10 years and it gave me a new lease of life. In fact I think I lost a little weight since being on it.

    As for the Rabbit.....tee hee. Go for it girl. Its not going to damage you or dislodge the coil. The coil for gods sake is designed to stay in place during sex so a girls toy is no different (and with a toy you don't have the guilt of doing it on a first date or wonder if its going to ever text you again) Sounds to me like you need to break free from your exhausting periods which are probably giving you low self esteem too. Get that coil removed immediately something aint right!!!!

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    well heres my latest update. HOOOOORAAAYY my periods have stopped and so has the pain. i am so glad i stayed with it and persevered. im still getting a bit of discharge at times and my moods are no more or know less than they were before. i havnt put on any weight, so all is well. As for the rampent rabbit? i still cant bring myself to let rip with it. i think maybe because i have given it a name. because it now has an identity i feel it wouldnt be right? i keep looking at it and imagining it with little fluffy ears and smiling? maybe if i changed its name from fluffy to rambo or lusty Rusty, maybe that will do it? i think i also have a bit of a fear of it being a bit painful with having the coil fitted. with not having had sex for approx nine years then having the marina fitted has filled me with a bit of anticipation and anxiousness. i better get my act together before the batteries leak and he goes to that little forgotten worn out rampent rabbit heaven. i will keep you informed on my progress, and my ongoing journey with the marina coil. Deb

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    hi, i have had really bad periods including flooding and very painful, i was crawling the floor. \\i seen my GP who suggested coil. I seen consultant who fitted it there and then and told me i would be bouncing with joy, well bouncing off the walls more like pain that was like giving birth, infection then thrush and although i did not bleed for first week, this is third week and have been bleeding since, also pain in lower back and abdomen and that pain that goes down my right leg, I really dont know whether to stick it out or get it out as I thought this was going to get my life back, also feel for hubby as i am a miserable cow at times, thing is before this started i was a very happy out going person now i feel like i am someone else. As for sex life was very active with hubby but not anymore. Any advice on whether so many days of flooding is better than this.I know its early days, any relys would be great. sad
  • Posted

    hi, i have had really bad periods including flooding and very painful, i was crawling the floor. \\i seen my GP who suggested coil. I seen consultant who fitted it there and then and told me i would be bouncing with joy, well bouncing off the walls more like pain that was like giving birth, infection then thrush and although i did not bleed for first week, this is third week and have been bleeding since, also pain in lower back and abdomen and that pain that goes down my right leg, I really dont know whether to stick it out or get it out as I thought this was going to get my life back, also feel for hubby as i am a miserable cow at times, thing is before this started i was a very happy out going person now i feel like i am someone else. As for sex life was very active with hubby but not anymore. Any advice on whether so many days of flooding is better than this.I know its early days, any relys would be great. sad
  • Posted

    i am so glad to read that the pain will stop at some point! I have endometriosis, had a laparoscopy in january after over 12 years battling with ignorant gp's and gynae's telling my i was lieing, and went private to get someone to listen to me.

    as the laparoscopy & endoscopy didn't fix it, i was fitted with a coil just over a week ago and the pain is as bad as it's worst normally. i have the same pain in my legs and it's a different pain and a different place so is unusual to me. pleased to read others have had similar problems.

    have you all managed to work with it? i can barely walk!

  • Posted

    Hi all

    If you are experiencing abnormally heavy periods may I suggest that every time you experience a heavy bleed you get your GP to come out to you, if they refuse then go to your nearest A&E.

    I suggest this because after years of suffering heavy periods and although my gp knew about them and the nurse that wroked there also know, after a routine smear a few hourslater I bled so heavy I passed out and my place of work had to call an ambulance. :shock:

    Heavy periods shouldn't be taken lightly. I mean heavy as in having to change a tampon and towel every 30 mins or perhaps even hourly?

    I would flood a tampon and 2 night time towels at least every 30 minutes when on a period.

    Don't let anyone tell you that you are exaggerating. They can tell from blood test if you are losing too much so stand up and be heard.

    Good luck all

    Melbi x

    ps I had a total hysterectomy in aug 2005 due to exceptionally heavy periods.

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