I hate my Doctors

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Hello everyone, went for my appointment this morning which I have waited 2 weeks for and when I got there, he wasn't even there, I was so angry, the lady made me another appointment for the next 2 weeks, she was really nervous as she could see how angry I was :x I don't like her as she is really horrible to patients. I really needed to see him too as I am so worried and now I have to wait again. My husband is going to make a complaint about it when we do see him. The doctor who was on is not a very nice doctor everyone complains about him, so I put my foot down and said I am not seeing him, when I got back home I just cried :cry: I feel like I am just not getting anywhere and feel like giving up :cry: I am a very shy person and never complain but right now I feel like putting a brick through the surgery window just to get noticed :cry: so down now, why is nothing going my way :cry: :cry: sorry for moaning :cry:

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh cats eyes, that's just not good enough :?

    You booked that appointment ages ago. Did the receptionist give you any reason for your GP not being there?

    Is there another practice where you can sign on ? ..... your present one really hasn't been much help to you and I honestly don't think they are going to improve by the sound of things :roll:

    Did you ring the hospital about your worries following the injection?

    It really is all very unsatisfactory, and not helping your stress levels at all sad

    Do see if there is any way in which you can register with another group of doctors ... I really do think it is the only way forward :?

    Do take care and keep us informed if you feel up to it.

    Katie xx :hug:

  • Posted

    Thank you katie for your support, we have our eye on this surgery we have seen close by, but my husband wants to see my doctor first before we move as he wants to complain and tell him off, the reason why I am so upset is because I have been with my doctors since I was born and have always got on with him but recently well I just don't know or understand what has happened but it is not a nice surgery anymore and you know the way my doctor has been with me recently, I am so confused about it all, today when I went they said he was on holiday but they should have phoned me and told me, the staff are not very nice some of them are really bitchy my husband has started to tell them off which is quite funny as they don't think you will say anything, it has stressed me today and I cannot stop crying, I see my pyschologist this week and she is really nice, so I will tell her, I feel so tearful thank you for listening.
  • Posted

    I really think it is time you took action against your GP. You may be better off making your complaint to your local PCT (primary care trust) these are responsible for the patiemtd welfare. They will take on board problems of patients and try to sort them out. If it was me in your situation I think I would not want to wait again to see my gp and I would not make the compaint direct to them. You need to take firm action and you need help from a doctor know.

    :sorry: I do not wish to rail road you into making your own mind up but I feel for you, you really do need help. It makes me feel so angry :twisted: :twisted: I only wish I could more to help you.

  • Posted

    I totally agree with Katie and Lou, you ned to complain about the treatment you have received (or rather lack of it) to your PCT in writing. then sign on with a new surgery, perhaps ask beforehand if they have a doctor with a knowledge of ME/CFS.

    You are not obliged to tell your old doctor you are changing or why.

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