I hate this!
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I just need to vent. I hate perimenopause/menopause whatever I am going thru! I had a hysterectomy almost 3 years ago that left the ovaries so I have no idea where I am at in this process. No doctor seems to help. Just give you anti depressants, which I am reluctant to take because I have had acid reflux issues and I can't take HRT. I feel like I'm on a horrible ride I can't get off of. I thank the good Lord that i found this site as it helps me so much to just know I am not alone in this awful process! Thank you all for being there and listening!
4 likes, 11 replies
debbie12340 Edell7329
t74985 Edell7329
CarolKelso Edell7329
Hi there Edel
?I had the same surgery as you 9 years ago and I know how you feel. Know that you are not alone. It is daunting when you experience an array of symptoms that you never had and feel like the door is shut everywhere you turn. Have you looked at diet? A probiotic for your tummy and some vitamin supplements, B, D, C and magnesium. Exercise and lots of hydration!
?I don't know what stage I am at but I just take one day at a time. Search for the 66 symptoms of the menopause and it might make you feel at ease. It can be found on this site.
?Bless you and if believe in God, keep him close as I do as without him, I would not get through this time in my life.
Gypsy014 Edell7329
Hello Edell, I also had the hysterectomy with my ovaries left with me, and also have no idea where I'm at in this process either! Its awful I feel everything you just said.. I wish I had periods so I know if they are skipping coming closer together or I've missed for an entire year, and could officially call myself post meno, its terrible not knowing, and physically and mentally this all really takes its toll on you! And just like Debbie wrote I have my days that I'm not so sure I can carry on thru this its so awful, but thru all the symptoms and many tears I do manage to push on through, day by day... And its a big struggle.. This whole process with hormones leaving our bodies can wreck havoc on our system, even messing up your thyroid, but eventually will settle , eat right walk meditation and maybe some yoga.. Be strong you'll make it through....and buy the menopause sticks you pee on like pregnancy test, since you don't know where you are in the cycle, and when you get 2 lines your post meno then..
CarolKelso Gypsy014
You mentioned meno sticks in your one of your post replys ... Do you living the UK or US.. Could you tell me more about these and where I can find them.. I live in the UK. Much appreciated. CK
Gypsy014 CarolKelso
Hi CK, I'm in the US and I buy them online, if you just google search you'll find them on eBay and Amazon..
Gypsy014 CarolKelso
Hi CK, the meno stick tests measure your fsh hormones conveniently at home, and can tell you if your in peri or meno, I like to use because I had the hysterectomy and have no idea where I'm at in my cycle. I find when I do use them when my symptoms are really intense the test will show positive, but I guess because the fsh can fluctuate so much, I may have less intense symptoms a week later and I will use another test and find it negative. So that shows perimenopause with fsh all over the place..
CarolKelso Gypsy014
gailannie Edell7329
We all hate it Edell. You might start by getting your levels checked to find out. I'm not certain why you said you can't take HRT, but is something to consider if you're miserable.
tina00239 Edell7329
Hi Edell, poor you. No-one has had the common courtesy to tell you that you dont have peri or pre menopause if you have a hystorectomy. You go straight into full meno at least thats what I've been told. If you cannot take HRT then there are various high strength vitamin supplements that you can take specifically for menopause. You may need other vitamins aswell so an appointment with an endocrine specialist which would help you. Hope you feel better soon hun. XXX
Giggle Edell7329
Hi Edell7329
I'm new to this site and just wanted to say I'm already feeling more normal after joining this forum. So helpful reading through people's posts so thanks for sharing. Hope things get better for you X