I have a dilemma !!!

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I had shingles a few weeks ago and just recently the pain eased off but over the last few days I have had shoulder pain again and my husband says spots are coming through again.

My dilemma is that I'm due to go for a colonoscopy on Monday and I am wondering what to do as the pain is back and the rash and I've just started college and I'm wondering if all the stress has brought it on again and if I can have the procedure done while I might have shingles. I have also developed a very sore throat which is probably viral.

Anyone who can help me would be greatly appreciated as I don't know what I should do whether to go to this appointment while I'm feeling under the weather or contact the hospital and see what they say.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Heather,

    I am sorry you are going through this, again. I would postpone the colonoscopy unless that is an urgent procedure for a dire problem.

    Your health comes first. College is stressful and could be a trigger for a recurrent episode of Herpes Zoster Shingles. I do not remember your age or if you are immunocompromised.

    Please see a physician immediately for antivirals, preferably Famciclovir 500mg 3X daily for 7-10 days as the virus has become resistant to Acyclovir.

    Also, Google Herpes and follow high Lysine low Arginine diet. The amino acid Arginine triggers the varicella Herpes virus and Lysine soothes it.

    Please try to get some sleep and rest as you know about the fatigue and exhaustion.

    Please let me know how you are doing.

    Best Wishes

    Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying again Merry, I am 54 and the colonoscopy appointment was given to me because they said through a stool sample I had inflammation of the bowel. At the time of this I was having looser stools but now for the last three weeks everything has been normal.

      I really don't know what to do as I don't have any stomach pain and never have but I feel quite yucky because of the sore throat and the associated sore head.

      Over here you get an appointment and if you cancel you need to wait a wee while for another.

      Again many thanks for your reply and greetings from Bonnie Scotland x

    • Posted

      Had to go to what we call out of hours doctor this morning, Merry.

      No colonoscopy tomorrow I have a chest infection for which I've been given steroids and antibiotics.

      I spoke to the doctor and she says the rash is not shingles again as its not following the nerve line, she says it might be a reaction to feeling under the weather.

      Thanks again for your kind words Heather x


    • Posted


      My question is this:

      Do you have the similar pain of shingles?

      Is the rash in the same location as the prior rash?

      Merry Juliana

    • Posted


      The pain and what I would call numbness has never went away.

      The pain I had the other day was below the line of the other outbreak.

      My line was under my arm,back and breast area, where this was on my rib and lung area I would say , but the pain seemed similar to when the shingles pain started.

      The doctor said that the rash was more of a reaction to feeling unwell and that she could see where the original shingles were fading.

      I am stressed the now with having started a college course at the age of fifty four( I was last there in nineteen seventy eight) plus the added stress of having to go for the colonoscopy, which I will need to get a new appointment for when the chest infection goes away.

      Hope this post finds you well.

      Heather x

  • Posted


    I love Bonnie Scotland! The people were gracious and warm to me.

    As you are feeling better regarding your intestinal tract, I would postpone the colonoscopy. The prep for the colonoscopy is wicked, and stresses your body. You need to recover from the Herpes Zoster Shingles, first.

    I am a Nurse Practitioner in the States. (I also have had quite a few colonoscopies in my lifetime, necessary to be sure, but not a fan of the prep.)

    With Herpes Zoster Shingles, individuals can have a generalized malaise, aches and pains, chills and sweating, fever, fatigue and exhaustion, headache before and during the onset of the pain and rash.

    Best Regards

    Merry Juliana

    • Posted

      Thanks again Merry,

      I have woke up this morning with the feeling that my sore throat has moved down into my chest and my breathing is a bit iffy., so I will need to inform the hospital that I may have a chest infection which will make it hard for me to drink all the prep.

      I have a question though I have a couple of spots that my husband says are shingles but is it not unusual for it to return as quick as this. It's only been a few weeks since the last spots faded.

      Hope this post finds you well. Heather x

  • Posted

    Hi Heather,

    Merry is absolutely right! You should definitely postpone the colonoscopy until you are healed from shingles. I don't know any doctors in the U.S. who would perform a colonoscopy when a patient had active shingles anyway. Contact the clinic where your colonoscopy is scheduled. Inform them you are feeling sick and also that you have shingles. 

    I am sure the clinic will not allow you to have the colonoscopy once they know your current unhealthy condition. I hope you can try to calm your anxiety as stress is a big trigger for shingles and nerve pain associated with shingles. Good luck. 

    • Posted

      Many Thanks for your reply.

      As I've mentioned to Merry I have woke up feeling like my sore throat has spread to my chest and my breathing is iffy, so I will need to contact for advice.

      Heather x

  • Posted

    It appears the Shingles are still lingering and stress worsens it. If it is a routine colonoscopy, you might consider waiting to avoid the stress right now. I think your Shingles episode wants to flare back ... and I would want more antiviral meds
  • Posted


    While it is a bit unusual, for some of the more unfortunate, it does recur shortly after the initial shingles episode. Some have very poor immunity. I am immunocompromised, although the physicians and I did not realize it 21 years ago. Stress and nutrition (High Lysine Low Arginine Diet as Prevention) are certainly factors.

    If you have Lupus Erythematosus, ITP, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cancer, IBS, or take corticosteroids, it increases your risk of developing Herpes Zoster Shingles.

    As you seem to be developing a chest cold, your immunity is way down.

    Please obtain Famciclovir today.

    Best Wishes

    Merry Juliana

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