I have a swollen lymph node for almost Five years
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Hi there, i have 34 years old and i noticed a lump in my neck (jugulodigastric lymph node) five years ago with no other symptoms.
It's a painless and movable one. Long axis is 1,5cm and short axis is less than 1cm.
I also have a seborrheic dermatitis in scalp and face since i'm a child.
My doc is not worried but i'm affraid about something severe. I'm very frustrated cause i don't have any answers and Dr Google scares me.
Do you think i would have other symptoms if it were a lymphoma or something severe?
Thank you for reading.
Any advices would be appreciated.
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Does any one have advice?
I'm really worried...
Am i the only one having lymph node since many years?
No one?
PeroPery somebodyx00595
where? i have permanently swollen lymph nodes in my groin. when i was i child i had mono and my lymph nodes just stayed a little bigger from that time.
tundraview somebodyx00595
Are you fighting off any lingering infection?
The Nodes swell under my jaw line whenever I'm overly fatigued or not eating my usually healthy diet!
tonny41780 somebodyx00595
Hi there.
I know the unknown is very scary and can play tricks on your mind.
You stated that you have had this for 5 years, so please take some comfort that if it was truly serious it would have grown visibly larger by now and other symptoms would have shown.
There are many people that have enlarged lymph nodes for no apparent reason.
I currently have 20 enlarged lymph nodes in my chest with the largest at 2cm in diameter. These have been biopsied with no result. My oncologist stated " some people just have enlarged nodes for no known reason".
My advice would be to keep an eye on it. If it changes or you feel there is something else changing in your body then consult your DR. If it puts your mind at rest then seek a second opinion.