I have a zit like bump near my groin

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i first noticed it a month ago. ever since it has continued to grow. its making it very hard to walk around a lot. the skin on top is soft, but whatever is underneath has hardened. before it was more fluid. what should i do.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    hi im sorry to hear of what you are facing it must be really difficult. i used to get similar things on the inside of my thighs and i was diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa. please look into this condition and speak to a dermatologist, it may be that you have this too. the characteristic of this autoimmune disease is that the bump replicates on the opposite side eventually so please look out for that. all the best

    • Posted

      Hi I too have HS and it can be really painful can't it. x

    • Posted

      hey! sometimes it can be so horrible luckily right now i havent got any flare ups

  • Posted

    Hi you really need to see a doctor if it is bothering you. You might need ab's t get rid of it. x

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