I have always said never, now I am terrified!

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Hi all. I am 46 year old female and recently I started developing symptoms which I self diagnosed as perimenopause.

I know, the interwebs can be a great tool...then again, all in moderation. Also, I scared myself stiff by reading post here and on other websites about the agony that woman has to go through.eek

Anyway, along with my partner we went through the 66 points to check and I am exhibiting too many of them. Specifically at this stage, the swollen boobs with excruciatingly sore nipples, and swollen glands under my arms, too sore & scared to even move.

I promised myself that I was never going to get menopause - like I can control it, but now I just need to minimize the misery and fast!

Please could anyone that has advice, give me the heads up on changing my diet, exercise and whatever else will help. There is so much information available, but instead of trial and error, I thought I would ask the masters who speak from experience.

Your time and assistance is much appreciated.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi hun

    You have come to the right place.

    While I cannot offer any advice as to what works im sure thete are ladies here that can.

    Ive been in perimenopause eight years and had every symptom on and offsad

    I take a low dose AD which eases the anxiety a little. No hrt as breast cancer in my family.

    All I can say is the way your body and mind is seemingly out of control is the scariest for me.

    This site has helped me so much in helping me to realise I am not losing my mind although some days it feels like it lol.

    The ladies here have been such a blessing.

    Im hoping to get my normal back one day although I dont know what normal is anymore.

    Stay strong and keep positive. This too shall pass!!!

    Stay connected with supportive people and all the best xx

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      Thank you for your kind words, and may there be positive changes in your future also. I have been lucky that so far it has been the pain, out of whack sleeping patterns and of course feeling like I should all the food in the entire world.

      Wow, 8 years is an awfully long time and I am already feeling sorry for my poor spouse that has to put up with me. I am trying to see if I can make changes by changing diet and exercise first before speaking to the doc about meds.

      But never say never I have just realised again.

      Wishing you only the best.

    • Posted

      Hi , I was peri for some years too and it is like being on a seesaw with the mood swings and sleepyness and bleeding whenever! I have now found out that I was probably underactive thyroid for some of that time so prob increased the symptoms. I am now diagnosed and on artificial thyroxine and into the menopause and feeling a bit better. Trouble is my body is not conforming and I have had 2 normal periods after nothing for 2 1/2 years so have had to get tested that nothing is wrong. Some activity still in ovaries according to doctor so have sore breasts and acne at times. I am 58 and I know it is common to have activity after menopause but really annoying, at least nothing bad so far. Anyone out there feeling this?
  • Posted

    Hi , well...... its a n easier ride for some like we all will agree on and of course a not so easy for some to say the least . I started seeing changes now that i look back with allergiesback in OCT OF LAST YEAR 2014, Bad, like allergy meds and even inhaler albuteral, very strange never had severve allergies before , than skipped a period another symptom, as i was very regular my whole life , than in Feb,gassy and bloated ,went gluten and dairy free , best thing i could of done ,wasnt siliac or allergic to dairy , but stuck to it my body felt so much better!i went to see hollistic DR , also neuro Dr, my gyno Dr, and my Dearest of them all my acupunturist, i had most symptoms , thingling hands and feet , numbing , foggy , ringing in my ears , anxiety ect...( mind me very healthy person never had a cramp in my life or any health issues and now all this being thrown out on you) im 47 kidding me ! why would anyone tell you that theirs more than just hot flash! my obgyn put me on a low dose of bio-identical patch , and that helped.. but when i went to acupuncture he wanted to wheen me off of it i would take 3 cycles (3 mths) for hormones to balance ) on the 15 th of this month was 3 months i have no patch and i feel about 80% better however, i still need i was say alittle more . but some people prefer to be on a hormone replacement for many years , that was not me i wanted my body to go back to its natural state without any hormones . I do take lots of vitamins b6 b12 , mag, probiotic,c. d , also take macca root ,also, i juice alot , veggies and fruit , also yoga is amazing to balance and center your mind helps tons with anxiety, you`ll be o.k kiddo... this is the the right place these ladies helped me out tons , as i thought i was losing myself ,at times even thought i had some rare desiese..and don`t put to much thought into it .(i know its hard ) but if you analize every little symptons , anxiety will get you! best of luck!

    BIG HUG!

  • Posted

    hi.....are you taking hrt hun??? ive started 6 weeks ago...a gel i rub in each morning....i must say my night sweats have gone have the odd flush in morning...problem im getting is the anxiety and feelings of dread....whats that all about??....im now taking betablokers wich help with the anxiety and high blood pressure wich we can be pron to ...i must say i had a good nights sleep wich of late as not been happening...i also take menopace a herbal supplement....i read that caffine is not good as it makes sweats / flushes worse..so im now trying cammomile tea?? yuk...but i will give anything a go to feel bit better...i get the sore boobs on n off i know what u mean ouch.....none of this is fun is it....and on top of it all we have to try and live a normal life....x
  • Posted

    Well I'm not very much help since I too am 46 and just started going through it back in February of this year, I am also looking for answers one thing for sure though that helped my crazy unbalanced menstral cycle is weight lifting in small lbs to start for me it has kind of blanched that part but I am stil having dizzy spells every day some days I can barely function so on the days it's not as bad I lift weights at home good luck to you
  • Posted

    Hi NotProMeno,

    Many of us have tried different things to help get through this time. It's a matter of trial and error, you will find. I started out simply taking vitamins and a few supplements. I also adjusted my diet to exclude wheat and dairy (big improvement) and limit the amount of coffee (another improvement) but not totally off coffee at this point. Also found out the thyroid gland became a bit hypo during the past year or so, now on medication for that. I do take Prometrium (micronized progesterone) as I tend to have a bit more estrogen, which at my age, 57, going unopposed is a bad idea.

    (Last period for me was 12/14, so I do hope that this is finally it after starting symptoms of perimenopause around age 47). 

    I don't take it every day.....it's one of those things I get certain symptoms that prompt me that it's time to pick it back up. Those days are becoming less. Like many people, I have been from my original GYN to a Naturopath onto an Integrative Medicine doctor who was the one that picked up the low thyroid issue and prescribed the Prometrium. I do feel better, but it's an ongoing process, that gets adjusted as needed. I do Yoga and mindful meditation as well, which is very helpful.

    One thing I noticed in your list of symptoms that I haven't seen mentioned much is the swollen glands under the arms. I wonder if having a doctor give you guidance there might not be beneficial for you, to be sure. Wishing you a smooth journey during this time.


    • Posted

      Hi Annie

      When I read how many years people have been dealing with symptoms, it makes me want to lose heart. But there are no shortcuts so yes, figuring out what works is key.

      For my own sanity I have to go the all or nothing route and since I used to ban before, leaving the carbs, dairy and sugar alone is not too much of a heart stopper. I love my whiskey and red wine but those two will now be moved to the back burner for special occasions.

      My gynea tested for all and sundry last year...might I add the first time I had ever been to one, but all was good. So have always suffered swollen glands during pms, it's just so much worse now.

      Popping g off to get my vitamins and oil and then see how things progress.

      May this really be your last year of uncomfortable issues. Looking forward to sharing your good news.

    • Posted

      Thank you NotProMeno!

      Please know that not all of the past 10 years have been unbearable. Don't lose heart. This comes in waves really......I would say that when a new symptom pops up, it seems to be the worst. Then it fades, you get used to it then something else may crop up, but honestly, overall, while I don't like that it's a signal that I am getting older, this hasn't been real hateful overall. Just another step in the journey.

      Oh.....I gave up my wine (instant headache and then came the hot flashes almost after first sip.....boo hiss!) and other libations for now as like caffeine, doesn't appear to be my friend for now. Looking forward to this phase to pass as I sure miss a nice refreshing glass or two every now and then!

      Sorry to hear you have suffered with the swollen glands, that is a new one for me, but hopefully that phase will be short lived for you.

      Blessings to you on this incredible journey...


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