I have been experiencing abdominal pain for 3 and a half months and it still hasn't been diagnosed?

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I am an 18 year old girl. For the past three and a half months I have been experiencing abdominal pain mainly focused on my lower right side. When I first got the pain, I went to see my GP because I was worried that I may have appendicitus. I was referred to the hospital for blood tests and an x ray, although both of these came back clear. 

The pain was still there, so I went back to my GP and suggested that I may have an ovarian cyst or a grumbling appendix because the pain was situated on the right hand side of my abdomin. My doctor referred me for an Ultrasound scan and this also came black clear. 

Although after having this, I was still unsatisfied because the pain was still persisting. Therefore I decided that I needed to have my bowel investigated as many doctors had suggested that I may have IBS, although I wanted to rule out other more serious bowel conditions before I could put it down to this. I visited my GP again, who then referred me to a gastroenterologist. When I spoke to the consultant, he suggested that I have a colonoscopy and endoscopy. A week later, I had both of these procedures and anxiously waited for my results. When I went back to see the consultant, he said that there was no abnormalities in my bowel whatsoever and neither in my stomach. Biopsies for food intolerances and infection were taken and these were also negative. 

Although after all of this, the pain is still persisting and I have no diagnosis. Sometimes the pain is extremely severe and I find myself in tears. I feel like I am going around in circles, not getting anywhere. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this pain? It is beginning to take over my life and as I am only 18 years old, it is stopping me from doing things that I want to do. 

I would be extremely grateful for your comments, I feel as if I am annoying my friends and family over this, its just the pain is so horrible that I can't get it off my mind.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Laura

    I have had this myself. When I was 19 years if age, I had the same symptoms. It was thought that my periods were to blame at first. Then they thought my appendix was grumbling. Then they told me to eat more fruit and veg!

    But!! One day I was coming back from town, and I got off the bus I was in soo much pain, I went into my doctors surgery, and he whisked me off to hospital. 

    In the end they found out I had an aggressive 3 lb cyst on my right ovary. In fact yet he doctor told me that I was very lucky that it hasn't turned cancerous!

    You can imagine how I felt. Anyway I landed up having my right ovary removed aswell.

    But since then all these years I've had no problems.

    You can still get pregnant with one ovary. 

    You ovulate every other month. 

    Ovaries take turns in the boy every month.

    But one is just fine. 

    I've had three children. 

    God bless you insist that you get this sorted out!!!

    Let me know what happens 🐥

    • Posted

      Thank you Elizabeth. How long did the pain gone on for until you finally had a diagnosis? And what scan/ procedure did you have done to find the cause? 

      Well I am glad that you found out what was wrong and that it was treated. I am going back to see my GP next week, so I am going to ask to be referred to a gynaecologist who will let hopefully refer me to have a CT scan (as there's not much left that I haven't had done). 

      If I do have a cyst there, it is very strange that it wasn't picked up on my ultrasound. Although I would much rather have another scan just to be sure. 

      Thank you for your help, I will let you know what happens 😊

  • Posted

    Hi Laura,

    Are you having any problems with your waterworks, I am thinking along the

    lines of cystitis or a urine infection. Do you experience pain on urination?

    If cystitis is left untreated it can cause pain. Have you taken a urine sample to the docs and had it tested. If not go along to the docs and get a urine sample container use it on your first urination in the morning, collecting from the middle of your pee and takeit along to your GP.  I hope this helps.


    • Posted

      Hi, I have never experienced any pain when I urinate that is why I have never considered a urine infection or cystitis. I am going to see my GP next week so I will take a urine sample along just in case! 

      Thanks for your help 😊

  • Posted

    Hi Laura,

    Thanx for your reply. Let me know how you get on!

    • Posted

      Hiya Lillian, 

      Just thought I'd let you know that I went back to my doctor and when she examined my abdomen, I was really tender very low on the right hand side of my abdomen. So she has suggested that I go to see a Gynecologist. Hopefully the Gynecologist will refer me for a CT scan or laparoscopy. 

      I will let you know what happens!

    • Posted

      Hi Laura,

      That's great news!...I really hope this will get to the bottom of

      your problem... nothing worse than having pain and not knowing what's causing it!...yes, please do let me know how you get on.

      Best wishes.


  • Posted

    Laura, your condition sounds very similar to my daughter's - check out my posts in the IBS section of this forum and look at those of Maurice and Ned. Hope it helps

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