I have been newly diagnosed with bronchiectasis and could do with some advice, please
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Hello my family have been living in Portugal for four and a half years now and I have had problems with my lungs since then caused by pneumonia. After many infections I had my right middle lobe of my lung removed in July 2013. After the operations I started bring up clear mucous that eventually changed into big blobs of yellow mucous along with lots of coughs. My specialist at the time said if the cough returns to go the pharamacy and get anti biotics! I later went for a second opinion were I was explained that I had bronchietasis and I do not need anti biotics, it is ok to cough, to bring up yellow mucous, in fact this is a livable disease. I only need to seek medical advice if I have a fever, blood or there is a change in mucous. I would really appreciate if any other sufferers could confirm that this indeed true and when you realise there is a change in your mucous because sometimes I have clear mucous with little yellow blobs and other times cough up huge all yellow blobs! sometimes I cough every five mintues and other days I do not cough for 3 hours - is this normal, many thanks for your help samantha
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roberto68239 Samantha_P
lesley05714 Samantha_P
You should have had a CT scan to identify the bronchiectasis; then a sputum test to find out the kind of 'bug' that is causing the problem. Then you are given the correct antibiotic for your 'bug'.
Do make sure that everything is done properley, also you should be shown how to do physiotherapy to bring up the mucus, using a 'flutter' device...examples on youtube are very good.
Some doctors are not too sure on what to do with us who have bronchiectasis. So a specialist is the best option...and there is lots of useful advice on the other threads on this forum.
mizsuzyq Samantha_P
Yes, unfortunately, you will have this cough for the rest of your life. You must keep at least one or two supplies of antibiotics on hand and must have them while you travel just in case you have a "flare up". Keeping your lungs clear as possible and free of infection is the key to having a better life style. This to me is a social embarrassment. Also, since I worked, getting enough rest is also a must. You do not want to get tired or run down because your immune system is not like it used to be. Now that I have retired and get more rest, the cough is not as bad. I have found (through trial and error) that Tussiones cough syrup will calm the cough down when you no longer can stand it. It will not make it stop or go away, but it will calm it down. Since it is a narcotic, you must not drive while taking it. Take one teaspoon every 12 hours. Here in the United States, this is a very expensive drug. For 575ml, I had to pay $900.00 US dollars. I am so sorry that you have this disease and I wish there was more good news for you, but there simply is not.
One thing, if your bronchiectasis is centralized in one area of the lung, sometimes, that can be cut out, but that does not guarantee it will not come back. Also, one might want to be tested for CF. I wish you the best, take care.
Sparkright Samantha_P
With Bronchietasis, you will get phlegm, the only question is how much and how often. I have huge volume, mostly yellowish, but can change at times. But if you have fever then you must seek medical advice Asaph.
little bits of blood can be "normal ", but if it persists, then this is a sign of infection, and will need treatment.
sometimes, blood is produced at the top of the nostril, especially if you are taking nebuliser medicines. If this is the source, then you may need an antibiotic cream for your nose.
I hope you stay well.
best wishes
ruthie2673 Samantha_P
It sounds as though the disease must have been relatively limited initially for you to have part of the lung removed as treatment, so possibly what you are left with is quite mild.
I have a guide from my specialist as to what to do. Daily physio, self applied, to bring up the phlegm. If there is shortness of breath combined with a change in the colour of the sputum to yellow or green, start the stand-by antibiotics and send off a sample of the sputum to the hospital for testing for antibiotic sensitivity. If you have fever + the previous things, and/or blood in the sputum see my doctor straight away, and send off sputum sample.
This all assumes a proper diagnosis followed by identification of the standby antibiotic you need from sputum samples.