I have been on my period 5 weeks and counting- Any Advice?
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I (21/F) have been on my period for 5 weeks now. The blood is fresh and clotty, and my flow is normal however towards the beginning it was rather heavy. I get hemiplegic migraines so can't go on the pill, not even the mini pill because my chances of getting a stroke are high. This week my periods started to get painful. Despite taking painkillers I have cramps all up my back and all down my legs. I am tired all the time and just feel generally rough.
My periods were like this when I was 15, in fact they were even worse. I would soak through a pad and a tampon and my cramps would be so bad sometimes I couldn't even walk. At 16 they finally put me on the pill, but I came off the pill 6 months ago . The doctor put me back on the mini pill, but I had to stop after a week because I had migraines every day. He also sent be for an ultrasound but the nurses couldn’t find anything. They also didn’t do the internal ultrasound the doctor requested which now annoys me as my problem only seems to be getting worse and I feel like they may have missed something.
I’m (literally) sick and tired of being on my period and I’m also angry because it feels like nobody wants to help. I know this isn't normal and I’m scared that something is wrong with me. My mum said to find some stronger painkillers and make another appointment but I’m not confident I am going to get anywhere with this, and feel like I will just be told to put up with it again. Does anyone have any advice or experiences that may help me?
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moon53540 Pessimist
You could have endometriosis. You would need a laparascopy to be 100% sure. What painkillers have you tried?
Also it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a smear test just to be on the safe side.
Pessimist moon53540
I've had paracetamol and Ibuprofen but I'm taking Naproxen now. It doesn't get rid of all the pain but just takes the edge off.
I could ask for a smear but the NHS can be picky about giving smears to under 25s.
moon53540 Pessimist
Naproxen is the best anti inflammatory, make sure you have some ranitidine and rennie close at hand because it can give you bad indigestion and reflux! Also you could try something like paramol which is paracetamol with a bit of codeine. But use it sparingly and don't drink alcohol if you have had some. I only take them before I go to sleep because they make me drowsy.
The NHS do make exceptions, I have polycysitic ovarian syndrome and I was having very few periods and bad stomach aches and one of the first tests they gave me was a smear test and I was only 18. They will probably give you a test with your symptoms, just ask them.
teresa55784 Pessimist
Please keep going back to the doctor. Hormones, polyps, pcos, or cancer, can cause spotting.
I spotted for 3 years, had insane periods with huge clots. They found out my cells are acting abnormally, they had to do a d&c to figure this out. Took out some polyps and tested them. Thankfully mine hasnt reached the point of cancer because i caught it early.
Get your hormones tested and whatever else your doctor suggests. Get a second opinion, i did.