I have been suffering with worstening pre mentrual syndr...
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I have been suffering with worstening pre mentrual syndrome for many years now (I am 43). My pms symptoms come anything from 3-5 days before my period and can continue until I have finished ovulating on day 16. I am moody, anxious, clumsy, suffers severe headaches, muscle aches (almost like the onset of flu), severe lethargy, and general feeling of lacklustre. I can also feel quite desperate at times and do not sleep well, fretting over the slightest thing. My period also lasts for around 7/8 days, then I spot on days 10-14/16, so I generally have one week after this before my pms starts again, and it this week only that I know I am free from my horrid symptoms. I have tried Evening Primrose for 6 months and there is no difference. I am considering the Mirena Coil but am very concerned about the stories I have read on other websites of women who have suffered drastic adverse effects. I am not suitable for the pill (family history of thrombosis/heart problems and my age is against me) have considered progesterone, but my gyno doesn't seem keen on this. We didn't really go in to it but she is so keen on the Mirena (she has it fitted) she was very persuasive. I go in October and need to decide in the meantime if I want to go ahead. I dont know what to do for the best, but I need to do something.
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Do not worry. First shed aside of your stress as this is going to mimic all the PMS symptoms. This is the main culprit.
Moreover trying taking Lycopene supplement. I think by the will of God it will do wonders for u.
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I also suffer with terrible daily skin problems which get alot worse about 5-7 days before my period starts.
I have tried every alternative methods such as Homeopathy, no candida diet and Herbal remedies, all the contraceptive pills, Anti biotics have only ever made my symptoms a degree worse than they used to be. I have seen a dermo and there creams and gels have ruined my skin to the point I cant use any facial cleansers?washes what so ever not even Neem!
Im Desperate for some suggestions if anyone can think of any?
I also suffer with extreme fatigue and need to eat little and often. I have done some research and it seems vitamin B12 seems to be helping alot of people. You can get these in Holland and Barrett, Greenlife or most health food stores. May take upto 3 months to see results. Im going to try it.
Hope this helps some of you. x