I have been suffering with worstening pre mentrual syndr...

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I have been suffering with worstening pre mentrual syndrome for many years now (I am 43). My pms symptoms come anything from 3-5 days before my period and can continue until I have finished ovulating on day 16. I am moody, anxious, clumsy, suffers severe headaches, muscle aches (almost like the onset of flu), severe lethargy, and general feeling of lacklustre. I can also feel quite desperate at times and do not sleep well, fretting over the slightest thing. My period also lasts for around 7/8 days, then I spot on days 10-14/16, so I generally have one week after this before my pms starts again, and it this week only that I know I am free from my horrid symptoms. I have tried Evening Primrose for 6 months and there is no difference. I am considering the Mirena Coil but am very concerned about the stories I have read on other websites of women who have suffered drastic adverse effects. I am not suitable for the pill (family history of thrombosis/heart problems and my age is against me) have considered progesterone, but my gyno doesn't seem keen on this. We didn't really go in to it but she is so keen on the Mirena (she has it fitted) she was very persuasive. I go in October and need to decide in the meantime if I want to go ahead. I dont know what to do for the best, but I need to do something. sad

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7 Replies

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    Have you tried Magnesium OK. It seems to make a difference to me but takes about three months before noticing anything.

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    Dear Friend,

    Do not worry. First shed aside of your stress as this is going to mimic all the PMS symptoms. This is the main culprit.

    Moreover trying taking Lycopene supplement. I think by the will of God it will do wonders for u.


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    Hi, totally understand your reasons for concern for coil. From my own experiance if you have hormone problems already the coil will not be suitable, perhaps you should talk to your GP about herbal remedies such as St Johns Wort, I have the same trouble as you and would stick to you first instinct and go for a more natural remedy:?

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    I am 22, have been suffering with PMS ever since i was 13.i have PMS up to 14 days before my period, ofen it is 10 days prior and lasts until the 2nd day of my period. it makes me feel exhausted,i get very constipated, followed by diahorrea on the 1st day of my period, I suffer heavy and painful periods. i am otherwise a very outgoing, bubbley person, however PMS can make me feel very insecure,frustrated,paranoid,irrational,anxious,OTT,emotionally unstable,i cry uncontrolably,have moodswings,sometimes i have energy bursts which make me angry,like i need to run and run,other times i am lifeless.i feel pressure on my bowel and bladder,but nothing can release.sometimes i feel unable to go to work because i feel i have abnormal behaviour which i am aware of but cannot control.sometimes i feel i have to isolate myself because i am unable to cope.for me, bloating has had a terrible psychological affect on me,my body completely changes with PMS, i can honestly say i have been mistaken as being pregnant.my waist and lower abdomen can bloat up to a stone in weight,my breasts swell and feel heavy and sore.i have measured my waist during these times, when i am well my waist is 24 inches,when i bloat it has become up to 32 inches.i dont want to leave the house and my clothes do not fit. i have tried varios methods to overcome my problems: i have tried evening primrose,vitamin B complex,colofac and buscapan (for IBS),I have tried senkot,fibrogel and movicaol for premenstrual constipation but nothing seems to relieve it,until my period starts.i have seen a nutritionist and completely revamped my lifestyle.i often get thrush with PMS and have tried anti candida capsules and an anti-candida diet.i take regular excercise when well enough to do so.i have baths and massage.still having problems.i have tried various contraceptive pills,i did not get on with these.i have seen a gynacologist in the past.PMS and my periods have got progressively worse over time. i have been referred for a 2nd time to investigate endometriosis as it is not just PMT i suffer with.My periods are painful and irregular,my doctor has suggested a hormone coated coil, am not sure what this is called,but it should help with PMS.If anyone else is suffering as much as i do,please post a comment,sometimes its nice to know that you're not alone.

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    more or less exactly the same, started with pmt at 13 when periods started. am now 35 and due to have hysterectomy and oopherectomy. feel pretty desperate and worried but have tried absolutley eveything else. am currently on zoladex injections ( shuts down ovaries) and am complety symptom free and have my life back, but can only have this treatment short term. cannot take a chance on stopping treatment or not having the operation as my symptoms got so bad i ended up taking overdose. i have 2 fantastic daughters run my own business house ,car etc everything to live for, but pmt. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. your not alone and good luck for your future.:shock::?

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    I am 24 and have also suffered from the same symptoms since my periods started.

    I also suffer with terrible daily skin problems which get alot worse about 5-7 days before my period starts.

    I have tried every alternative methods such as Homeopathy, no candida diet and Herbal remedies, all the contraceptive pills, Anti biotics have only ever made my symptoms a degree worse than they used to be. I have seen a dermo and there creams and gels have ruined my skin to the point I cant use any facial cleansers?washes what so ever not even Neem!

    Im Desperate for some suggestions if anyone can think of any?

    I also suffer with extreme fatigue and need to eat little and often. I have done some research and it seems vitamin B12 seems to be helping alot of people. You can get these in Holland and Barrett, Greenlife or most health food stores. May take upto 3 months to see results. Im going to try it.

    Hope this helps some of you. x

  • Posted

    Hi, i just need to talk about my PMT. I feel i'm going out of my mind at the moment, and have been looking for a support network for the last 2 days. The thing is i tend to feel better if i let everything out that i'm feeling at the time but i've had major fallout with my partner and at the moment dont want to bother in having a relationship anymore! Although i know once i probably begin my period i'll probably feel awful and sorry for the way i've been. The thing is i had the marina coil removed back in May this year and since then the pmt is steadily getting worse i'm feeling so low. The reason for having the coil removed is because we are trying for a baby and at 41, time i feel is running out. I'm ususally so happy with my partner but now things are at breaking point because of me snapping at him and when i become emotional and try to explain things to him about the way i'm feeling he just snaps back at me then i feel 10 times worse. I dont know what to do and just hoping that by expressing my feelings on here and maybe connecting with people who know and understand will help this week long hell i suffer each month easier.

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