I have been using Flecainide for over 2 years.

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I am concerned about the long term use of flecainide. Can anybody give me their experiences please. Also if I have a successful ablation can I stop the flecainide?

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    I had a 2nd ablation at beginning of year and 2 months after was told to stop it.   I came off it slowly because my body seemed to be super senstive to taking each dose as ie as if my body was ready for the next dose.     I also used Flecanide as pill in pocket for 2 years very succesfully avoiding A&E from that point onwards.    I took it for 2 years cannot say at moment how different it is off them compared with before as not long off them.   I have also in the last week stopped Apixaban blood thinner despite having had AF twice since op and continual threats.   This was all part of the plan of the 2nd ablation.    The risk of me having a stroke off it is 1 in 100 which is the same as a bleed by being on it apparently.    Still too early to say how I am off both but initial couple of days indicate its the Apixaban that might have affected me more  - time along will tell.    Coming off Flecanide will be on a case by case decision according to your exact circumstances etc but if you have been offered ablation that question should have been covered at the same time.    My consultant was very clear and thorough about it all.      My body didn't appear to like me coming off the Flecanide the last few weeks have been very difficult but having asked the question of the forum the general responses was it was straight forward to stop.   Clearly one size does not fit all with this AF business.    The only reason I had a  2nd ablation was to come off the tablets because overall my health was horrendous however given the choice between another ablation and flecanide ...........Hmmm a difficult one but I think I might opt for the flecanide. 

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    I used flecainide successfully for many years both a pill in the pocket strategy and latterly daily. Eventually I reached the maximum dose quite high as I recall 600/650 mg daily but alas it was no longer effective. I cant take betablockers as it aggravates psoriatic arthritis. At this point I went for a catheter ablation. After three attempts I'm AF free and not taking anything but an anticoagulant (dabigatran) as I tick several boxes on the risk scale for stroke anyway.

    How long was I on it before it became ineffective around 12 years I think. You wont need the flecainide after an ablation unless its not effective the ablation that is!

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah.. I was on flecainide. My GP didn't like it.  My next GP shook his head at it and then when I was in emerg because my fibrillation progressed to flutter, the emerg doc shook his head and said he was taking me off flec.. It has been known to cause progression to flutter and other really bad stuff. So, after getting 3 serious head shakes from 3 good doctors, I insisted that my specialist NOT put me on flec or any other rhythm control meds. But meds depend on so much (your own health factors and genetic predispositions and lifestyle) I recommend checking out Dr. John Madrone's page and reading what he has to say. He is a very major electro-cardiologist,  and what he says makes sense to me.  All the best 

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah, I have been taking flecainide for 14 years ,I don't have any problems ,I have had an ablation 9 months ago but am still taking this plus cardicor and apixiban.I have not had any problems on any of these. I have been having fibrillation for the last 3 weeks off and on so I feel the medication is not as effective as it once was.

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