I have Bv but test sometimes come back negative, what is going on????

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I have suffered with BV for years!!! The smell is depressing. Antibiotics only lessen the discharge but the smell is always there. The last two times I went to two different doctors and one said he could see the discharge but he didn't know how to diagnose it because it didn't test positive for BV.

I thought he was a total waste to patients every where.

The next doctor I went to a month later said it looked like BV and was going to start me on a long term antibiotic regimen but they called me back three days later and said all test for everything came back negative, I insisted I had BV and they sent off the script. Also the doctor sent my lab work to an outside source that my insurance doesn't cover and I am stuck with a bill for over $1000. He tested for everything and not just the BV. That angers me because I told him it was BV. Anyhow the smell is still there and people at work think I am a dirty person but I have been trying for years to get rid of this problem.

Why is this bacteria so hard to treat??? This year I have been to three different doctors. The first test did come back positive for BV and she treated me twice before giving up on me and suggesting a specialist.

I had blood work done recently and I have a vitamin D defiecieny and I am border line anemic. Great just take supplements right? Wrong. I have taken supplements, tried Boric acid capsules, probiotics, hydrogen peroxide and water douche, tea tree oil, and all the rest. What gives?????

I am a clean person, don't have multiple sex partners and don't have a sex partner right now. If only I could get rid of the smell.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I would get your supplements at a health food store, get help checking the absorbtion rates on bottles. Take them with/after food, also the probiotic inserted vaginally helped to cut the smell for me. To help save money I always try to get the vits when they are half off etc. Try again, it will get better.
  • Posted

    I have had the same problem for about 15 years. I always thought that my only issue was BV. Recently I discovered that I also needed to be treated for a yeast infection as well. The creams would not help I had to take the pill. It was like the yeast was not just in my Vagina. The smell finally went away with both treatments but of course as usual came right back. So I went back to the dr. Got treatments for both YEast and BV again and this time started taking Pro Biotics . I take Rephresh pro B (proven to help with BV) and I also take another one every morning. During My cycle I take The REphresh morning and night. It took about 6 weeks for them to finally straight out my PH Levels and now no smell. Not at all. One of the Probiotics I take is just a womens Pro biotic with 30billion CFUS to help with the Yeast. I have done quite a bit of research on Pro biotics and find that they really do work. They take  a little while to make things right but they work. Try again. I know its frustrating I totally understand. If you would like to discuss more just private message me and we can talk a little more about it.


    • Posted

      I am trying the pearls soft gels recommended by my doctor. I hope it helps. I was given another script for the flagyl but I asked for the cleocin instead I was given bothrolleyes but I will fill the cleocin, I heard it works better than flagyl antibiotics so wish me luck. 

  • Posted

    Hello, have you taken monistat at all? I suffered from what I thought was BV for about 2-3 years and last month I finally decided to do a little more research because I tried all of the antibiotics and I tried different home remedies and I wasnt getting anywhere. I decided to go to walmart and take a monistat test swab. If the tip turned blue or green then that meant something more serious was going on other than a yeast infection. The swab I took stayed yellow which meant that it was just a yeast infection that I had. I went to Rite Aid right away to get monistat 3 day and I instantly saw results. I havent had an issue since and I can have sex with my boyfriend without any smell or discharge afterwards. I was irritated because I soent all that money on medications and doctor visists that were even right for what I had. A simple yeast infection that the doctors thought was BV. They have similar symptoms though so if you havent tried monistat then please give it a try it might not be anything serious at all. good luck
    • Posted

      I tried all strengths of monistat but it never worked so I dont know why my body hates me. I got some news from my doctor regarding some blood work and it maybe the reason why I have this monster of a smell and discharge, I hope in 6mos or so I can get my health and life back. 
  • Posted

    Wow that does sound really weird.. can you describe your symptoms in a bit more detail?  and your test results too?  I have thin grey-white discharge, a lot of it all the time, it has a really strong, unpleasant odor, I never have burning but the discharge causes slight itching.. I always test positive for BV whenever I'm checked.

    • Posted

      I had your symptoms except the smell wasnt real strong. Have you ever had symptom of the discharge bleach the color out of your panties? Well I have and i thought what the heck is that strong in my discharge, anyone else??
    • Posted

      Hey... actually my discharge used to bleach my underwear, but it does not anymore..

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