I have erratic mood swings and wandered what herbal remedies you'd recommend?
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I am 51 and have 2 young kids - 10 an d 8 - they are naturally active and challenging but it feels liek I'm never happy - constantly crying, shouting and I feel like I'm a terrible mother. I seem to be ok for 1 week out of 4 and it's driving me mad.
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ImagineOneDay chelsea007
debi62095 chelsea007
Azzumi chelsea007
Hi Chelsea.. You don't mention if you are Peri or Post menopausal. I assume you are one or the other. Through Peri menopause the worst symptom for me by far was erratic mood swings. From anger, weird nervous anxiety, crazy obsessive thinking and lots of crying. I often had no control over my moods and it started to destroy my life. I know my moods are bad when my estrogen spikes so I'm on Bio Identical hormones and also dim which helps to stop the bad estrogens. Its taken a few months of adjusting the levels of my BHRT but now my moods have settled down. I feel normal for the first time in probably 12 months if not longer. I knew my problem was hormones due to the fact that I always suffered bad PMS. Hope this helps a bit. Don't underestimate what hormones can do.
Amalie13 Azzumi
Azzumi Amalie13
Hi Amalie, I've posted a few times about my moods and even though I'm feeling better its super important for me to share my experiences as I can't be the only woman to go through this. I had moments when I was at my worst when I truly questioned my sanity and it scared me. I would wake up feeling very confused and angry then cry on and off all day. I would hide in the bathroom so my boyfriend wouldn't see me crying sometimes. But I couldn't hide the frustration from him and I had a few outbursts that looking back I don't know how he handled. When I was in the middle of a depression or an outburst I knew it was hormones but trying to stop it was near impossible. The doctor who does my bios is amazing and when I said I felt like I was losing my mind sometimes he said yes that's how powerful hormones are and they shape who we are too. My mother was diagnosed with severe bipolar in her early sixties which is very unusual and I now have to wonder if there wasn't a link to hormones. I've also taken anti depressants in the past but I understand now that without having my hormones balanced correctly nothing else is going to help long term. I feel like its still early days for me and I take one day at a time as this is a long slow journey. Sharing my story helps a lot too. Its very therapeutic. If you want to know anything else pls ask.
Indifferent chelsea007
Bach's flower remedies really helped me with all that. I still get a little cranky at times, but nothing like the mood swings I was having before. Google them, there are 38 different flowers...with an explanation of each. You will find the ones you need and they works wonders!
Shelly0069 chelsea007
Hi Chelsea,
im a little younger than you I'm 47yrs old!!!!
ive been premenapausable since November 2016, but my symptoms started 2014!!!! My mood swings were terrible, but not quite as bad now, I'm taking Sertline off the GP and they do help.... My desicion..
i have 3 children 18,16 and a very active 10yr old boy!!!!!
i went for ages trying diff things and for me nothing really helped!!!!
im on HRT now some majority of my symptoms have either dissapeared calmed down....this is my decision no one forced me, no one put a gun to my head,
and I'm not stipulating in any way, it's ur choice what u do!.
hrt helped me, as opposed to anything else I tried, there are lots of things that u can try its just trial and error!
have u seen a GP for any help/ advice.
lots on the Internet,
good luck.