I have felt nauseous for about a year now Someone please help

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I have felt extremely nauseous for about a year now. It started after I got sick. I have an extreme fear of vomiting so it makes it even worse. Sometimes I feel like laying down in the bathroom is the only thing that makes it go away. When I get nauseous I start shaking and freaking out BC im afraid of getting sick. I am always hungry BC when I don't feel good I don't eat thinking it will make it worse or make me sick. I watch cop shop constantly and now I constantly fear that something like what happens in the shows will happen to me. This also causes my panic/anxiety attacks. I never want to leave my house BC im afraid I will get sick in public. I get dizzy, weak and sick almost 24 hours a day everyday someone please help

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I have the exact same thing! From the minute I wake up I feel like I could throw up at any time.. Whenever I go out I'm always petrified I'm going to throw up in public.. Mine started when I was first diagnosed with gerd.. My doctors don't really believe me when I say I feel sick all the time but they keep saying it's probably my anxiety even though I went through therapy last summer and went on to anti depressants. Mines effected me so much I can't work.. I'm always dizzy and can't concentrate on anything and feel weak a lot like you said.. I'm sorry I can't help. I've been searching for an answer for 14 months and no one can help. I hope we find something soon x
    • Posted

      Sorry whats a gerd I feel dumb asking but I really jsut don't know
    • Posted

      Must be hard not working....do you have friends and family who support you and understand?
    • Posted

      My family support me but they find it hard to understand as they're not going through it. They try their best.. I feel god damn awful for not being able to bring money in for myself though so I'm constantly putting myself under pressure.
  • Posted

    Have had a lot of the same issues as you for years.

    Trips to emergency Rooms 3to 4 x a year all testing wheather it be blood work , endoscopys ,colonoscopys , nuclear follow threw on intestines cat scans all come back normal , finally went to another doctor who tested me for c.diff . This is a very nasty bacteria . Tested positive was put on flagyl ( metronidazole) feeling much better now . If you have been on protein pump inhibitors , are have taken antibiotics such as augmenting , amoxicillin, keflex or any other antibiotics in this class you are at a high risk to develope this . Good luck let me know how you make out

  • Posted

    This is just a suggestion but you sound quite distressed overall have you considered something like Generalised Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety has a huge impact on our physical health and can definitely cause symptoms like nausea.

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