I have had acute pain in my right hand side under my rib cage and upper back pain
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6 weeks ago I went to see my GP because I was suffering from acute pain in my right side and back,I also suffer with depressions.to cut a long story short she sent me for a scan.Before this I went to A&E and was sent home with Codine tablets.I had the scan last Tuesday,the following morning my GP rang me and I was told I had Gallstones.I have been given Buscopan tablets to help ease the pain.Today I was unable to go to work due to the pain.I am seeing a doctor at the end of next week to see how I am after taking the Buscopn tablets. I don't know what to do,the pain is on going,do I wait and give the pills a chance to work or go to A&E again now I know what it is.I can't bend down and my husband has been helping me get dressed.The only relief for the pain is to lie down and apply heat to my right side and back.I feel sick and keep coming all over hot and sweaty.I would welcome any advise from anyone as I feel the doctors I have seen (3) so far are not really listening to me.help needed
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chris91257 patricia30000
patricia30000 chris91257
Torialouise patricia30000
Have u got gasto appt lined up? Mines not till end of the month but yest gp said she ref me to surgeons as well see if they are willing to do some more investigations to check it is my gallbladder. As just because there are stones does not mean it is them. Mines not showing any thickening etc that they would expect. Is yours? Have you had an ultrasound?
patricia30000 Torialouise
Thank you for replying so soon,I had an ultrasound last Tuesday and my GP phoned me on the Wednesday morning to tell me I had GS.I have been given antispasmodics tablets that should help with the pain and was told to go on a low fat diet which I have been on for the last 3 weeks.I may need to have GB removed but we would discuse my options when I see him next Friday. Not sure if I can last that long but going to give the pills a chance to work.Hope all goes well for you when you see the surgeon at the end of the month
Torialouise patricia30000
Mine started in november last year with a massive attack but mine keeps falring my acid reflux which gp can't understand why.
I hope you get some confort from them, i have other health issues that i am on pain killers, anti spasmodics and vallium for so not sure if some are masking some of it for me.
Could do without the acid as well though.
Does yours get worse at set times?
I am scared silly to have it out but also can't cope much longer either. The waiting lists are insane. I am thinking of looking into private costs and the possibility of other options although told there isnt many
sandynan patricia30000
patricia30000 sandynan
Moonday patricia30000
patricia30000 Moonday
Thank you for your reply,I have started a fat free diet although its quite a lot to it,have been on the net for what I can and can not eat,I have only just be diagnose with GS not seen the doctor yet so he can exsplain what my scan showed.There are so many people for and against removing the GB,I just want to be free of this pain as I have already other things going on at the moment.good luck with your op next week I hope it will mean the end of your pain xx
gloriaR patricia30000
patricia30000 gloriaR
thank you for your reply,I have been in alot of pain over the last few months,have had a scan and been told I have GS and my doctor has given me pills to help until I see him next week.there is alot of fors and agaisnt having your GB removed.I have started a low fat diet but not really sure what I can and can't eat been looking on the internet.I have been told that there can be problems after you have had your GB removed and that is not always the best option.will have to wait and see what my GP says mean while I am going to contine to eat a more healthy diet.many thanks x
gloriaR patricia30000
sarah87162 patricia30000
I am on maximum Buscopan Take 2 4 times a day.(8).
I have 6 - 8 month wiating list to have my gallbladder removed.
If you are in a lot of pain you could go back to GP and try Tramadol . I am on Ibuprofen Coedeine Phosphate and Oramorph Oral Solution but only take this solution when the pain is really bad.
I also find doctors not very good here. I am going back to a woman doctor who paid me a home visit back at the beginning of December last year and was the first one to say she thought it might be gallstones. This was before she had the scan so obviously she wass right.
I will simply say to her "You are the one who started this all off, do you think you could finish it off by contacting my consultant's secretary and getting her to put me further up the op list." She can only say no.
Otherwise I think I will be lucky to have the op this year.They sre so slow and hopeless.
Good luck with all this. Take care
Keep in touch
Praying for you
patricia30000 sarah87162
thank you for replying,I got an eary scan because I asked them if they had any earlyer ones I would take it.I have not seen a doctor yet to explain my scan results only by phone when they told me that I had GS.they have not refered me for an op yet as they have given me the same tables as you and I am taking 2 four times a day,I'am seeing a doctor next Friday but feel I should give the pills a chance to work.I am on pain relief patches for my back so may be they are helping in some way.I have been to A&E but got sent home with codine pills.I am on hoilday from work next week so will see how things go. I hope you get to have your op real soon.
best whishes
patricia30000 sarah87162
did you find the Buscopan tablets helped at all,I have been taking them for a week and have't felt any different,still in pain,yesterday I could only get up to go to the bathroom at that was difficualt,this morning I'am still in pain but I am up and hope that it will go away.seeing my doctor tomorrow and due to return to work next week which I'am not sure if I will beable to do.how are you doing,are you any nearer to getting your op sooner.hope you are feeling a bit better
best wishes
Pat x
sarah87162 patricia30000
Chemist said reduce buscopan and see what happens.
I reduced Buscopan and pain started again within a few days.
I now take 8 Buscopan every day whether I am in pain or not.
Very off and on . Sometimes I'm OK and other times pain just comes on completely out of the blue.
Hope you manage to get back to work.
Take care