I have had Molluscum Contagiosum come back for over a year now. Please help.
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I found it last year, in March...Ive seen the dermatologist dozens of times for curretage. The entire story is long. I had about 70-100 bumps in the pubic area, spreading down. 3 around belly button. Finally went to the derm...they curretaged them all off over 3 months. Went back with them on my thighs and 2 on my wrist, new doc said stop being paranoid. I got them removed anyways. After about 1 and a half months clear, I notice more on my thighs, go in, the original doc curetted them said I should be done. About 2 or 3 months later, I get one on my wrist. Then I find little tiny pink bumps on my testicles, go in and get them tested, and all came back as molluscum. I had a breakdown. But it wasn't over, got those removed, they found 5 between my butt cheeks as well. About another month goes by and I shave my beard to find them under and around my mouth, go in get them tested, comes back positive. I spent the next 3 months getting facial molluscum removed. I tried a new doc who said, here take a sure the, do it yourself. So I've been removing anything in my beard that looks like it. So, fast forward another 3 months (1 year anniversary) and I find 5 in my pubes last night. After nearly 6-9months without any there. They were SO UNBELIEVABLY small. I never would have saw them if I didnt use a flashlight. I dont know what to do, Im losing it. I met my girlfriend right as I was diagnosed a year ago. She is still with me and we do everything to be safe, even if nothing is there, but there's been times we did stuff when we didn't know. She doesn't have any I think, but she hasn't checked with a light. I don't even want to know. I'm so dead inside, sometimes I just feel like I don't want to do this anymore.. I dont want to live with it..I don't mean it, but...what do I do. Will this ever end? Please somebody help me. There's all these stories online but you never see the person come back and say, "Oh yeah, after 5 years it finally went away." Please somebody help. Somebody give me hope...please. I beg you.
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When i said "take a sure the." I meant "take a currete." She gave me a currette. There is also a lot more going on in my life, I'm trying to ween off medicine.
anrique43244 andy47510
Hi Andy,
?I know how you feel. I've been dealing with this over 4 months now. I went to Dr. and he did cryotherapy on my bumps. It didn't work. Scabbed but MCs (Molluscum Contagiosum) didn't go away. after couple weeks, it re-appeared. I didn't find out about Apple Cider Vinegar until last month. It worked good on these bumps. However, it didn't stop them from spreading. After treated bumps scabbed, I started seeing more tiny bumps showed up. I bought myself a magnifying glass with led lights to help seeing them better. From what Martin on other post mentioned that masturbating would help spreading. I think I spread them by that way. Anyway, you should try the cotton soaked ACV method. Hope this help!
andy47510 anrique43244
Hi, is there any way we can get in contact and help another through this? I just want to know how someone is doing with it and when they..or we can beat it. And how long it takes. If you wouldn't mind, contacting me and we can chat over private messages or something? There's all these people who post that they have it, but disappear and you never find out if they beat it. So I want to send this message to as many people as possible. Please let me know if your willing to talk with me. I'm so utterly scared. Thank you..
kassandra01 andy47510
andy47510 kassandra01
Thank you. I've just tried for so long. Thousands of dollars. I finally thought it was gone. I've seen people say it's lasted 7 years. I just want to be able to get ahold of these people and find out what happened! Sometimes I just feel like just ending it..
anrique43244 kassandra01
Hi Kassandra,
?I'm also doing ACV and it works. How long did you tape the cotton soaked with ACV? Do you that in the morning as well? How many MC did you have? Do you know what MC looks like in the super early stage? I keep find more popped up. I found a white pin size dot not a raised bump but not sure if it was MC.