I have had no periods for 3 months

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I have had no peiods for about 3 months now and recently been diagnosed with an over active bladder about a week ago. I have had a lot of pain and been in and out of A&E several times in the last few months. I need answers, is there anyone out there that can help me.

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    Yes I can relate I missed my period 2 months at a time and other times three months at a time with no period whatsoever

    I also suffer from every pms symptom in the book I have a severe case of dysmenorrhea and for now suspected PCOS even though I have NO cysts we know that for sure because ten days ago I did my first Diagnostic Laperoscopy for suspected Endometriosis which takes me to hell and back every.single.month I too spend several hours in the ER and I've been admitted several times with ultrasounds and bloodtests coming as normal/healthy there I'm given strong narcotics for the pain and at home I have some narcotics prescribed for pain management will see the fourth gynecologist so far in Sept hopefully she'll listen and understand the one that did the surgery for me was an on call gynecologist not the one I'm waiting to see and saw an idiot of a gynecologist too he's incompetent so I'm going to see a different one

    Don't worry I have horrible symptoms too excruciatingly debilitating pain back and abdomen vomiting fainting poor appetite dehydration insomnia migraines body aches and exhaustion

    I'm still investigating my health issues and not stopping until I find doctors that will listen understand and help me find a treatment that will work for me because everybody's different

    That's my story in a nutshell and the only explanation I was given when I didn't get my period was "Hormonal problems" whatever that means!! So far every single doctor I met had his/her own explanation for why hormones do this and what can I do to fix it and here I am still investigating and hopefully we will find answers to our questions and treatments to the issues we're experiencing I'm actually going tomorrow to a skilled natrupathic doctor and acupuncturist and will tell him about my symptoms and do few acupuncture sessions and see if it helps

    Consider this and taking organic supplements for female health I'm on them too plus Pine bark extract supplement I recently started that too and I find raspberry leaf tea very soothing for moderate cramps it has no caffeine

    Sorry for the lengthy response hope this helps let me know how you're doing! Feel free to msg me anytime& I hope you'll start feeling better soon :-)

  • Posted

    What does your GPS say? Have you ever done an ultrasound? Did you get your hormones tested to see if they are in normal range or not?
    • Posted

      Sorry I meant to say gynecologist

      Also have you considered seeing an endocrinologist?

    • Posted

      Hello thank you for replying to me, No I havr not been to see a GYN or Endocrinologist, I have been to the doctor but they just keep treating me like a guinea pig, TRY this and TRY this. I am not getting anywhere with them. What would you suggest I do xx
  • Posted

    Thank you so much everyone who replied to me and helped me get the answers I need to get my health back, I was refered to a GYN yesterday and now just awaiting the letter. Will update when I have news xxx

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