I have had sciatica for several months now.

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I have been seeing a Chiropractor for a few months now. At first the pain was in my lower back and left leg.. Now it's down the back of my leg and calf. The pain is so intense I can barley put any weight on my leg. My family Dr keeps prescribing pain medication which causes strong side effects... Aleve helps sometime.. My pain is worse when I sit, my chiropractor does  adjustments twice a week and it seems to alleviate the pain a bit but then the next day it's back to square one. Has anyone gone for Physio for this and any recommendations...

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    I went for physio for Sciatica and it made no impact, but that's not to say it will be the same with you, they say every case is different.

    I tried all manner of treatments being in a similar position to you. Following my first Sciatica attack, it took a few months for the pain to go, painkillers didn't help at all, I had a few sessions at a Chiropractor, which again didn't help and cost a fortune (would have been worth it though, had it worked) also tried Acupuncture and Osteopathy, which didn't work for me, although as I've said previously, I heard from some people that some of the same treatment I mention did help them. However, my condition slowly got better and after several months I was more or less pain free.

    I had further attacks, maybe one or two a year, which would last for anything from a couple of days up to a couple of weeks, but generally 2 to 7 days.

    They do say that sitting for any length of time, should be avoided as this puts pressure on your spine, although it's hard to avoid it, especially if your job involves you sitting at a computer for most of the time, which mine does.

  • Posted

    After year my pain like yours has been under control. I walk and a little exercise. Keep moving. Pain mess did nothing. Change diet to minimize inflammation and take Ibuprofen during the day and at bedtime. Use hot Epsom salt baths to relax and also mineral supplements. Selenium magnesium zinc. It will get better with time. Hurts as I well know. Try to relax. Deep breathing through nose when it's bad.
  • Posted

    I've had physio before but to be honest it didn't help, and then had trigger point surgery, at the moment the pain in my left leg and back is just agony, I'm waiting to be referred back to consultant as have a lump at the top of my spine which I've been told is the starts of a curvature, I really do feel for anyone who goes through the pain,
    • Posted

      You need expert MEDICAL advise not generic responses from lay persons. Hope you are in good professional care.
    • Posted

      Thanks but I am under professional care ...all I am doing here is getting feedback from others about their experiences ...!!
    • Posted

      You should be upfront then and explain your medical care. Not all of us need to see a Dictir for your prescribed problems.
    • Posted

      I was up front in my initial comment.. Sorry but it seems you are annoyed with mine.. I thought this was a discussion group !!
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      I'm not sure if you are having a go at the poster or not? but I do think that anyone with the problems outlined in this and other similar posts would always need to see a doctor and as msbrennan pointed out in the initial post, a family doctor was consulted.

      I believe that this forum can really help with suggestions of treatments that may or may not have worked and that it does help just knowing and talking to others who have experienced similar problems.

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      Sorry, my mistake. Hope you will find the best of care and be able to regain a healthy lifestyle. Most treatments will take time.
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      Yes of course but if the person is under a Doctors care I would prefer not to participate with suggestions but rather encourage the continued treatment and consulting on a medical profession.
    • Posted

      It IS a discussion group! I've been feeling a lot less old & hideously crippled and invalid since I started sharing other people's symptoms and issues. I've learnt what exams and tests to get done and now know that every one's symptoms can lead to different treatments and I, also, have spent a fortune on Chiropractors, Traction ,, Oseteopaths  and now Conventional Physiotherapy, none of which seems to have done much good. I'm not about to be rude and unsympathetic to others who are suffering, this isn't the place to be insensitive. if a person can't say something useful or kind then it would be better not to say anything. I've consulted several Orthopedists and taken ant-inflammatories of all types , Ibuprofen does no good at all. taken Morphine and now am taking mega- doses of Turmeric with Piperine and Garlic to kill bacteria and stop inflammation. My GP. is excellent & once cured me of a hip problem by putting me on an anti-inflammatory diet. I'm in Brazil We have good National health too, no matter what you've heard. But it all takes so long, my life is passing me by & I can't run after it!!

  • Posted

    I would suggest that you see a spinal surgeon, I had similar issues and I found out that I had a bludging disc squishing my nerve in my spine. Also I went to a pain management dr, he was great too, he's much more helpful with medication than a GP. Also I take tramal and lyrica which I find helps with a lot of my pain. I have physio once a week after my operation and I find that the stretches and dry needling helps. Good luck!

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      Also Cortisone injections can calm down the pain
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      Good luck and be careful on those medical medications. They will not cure and have huge side effects.
    • Posted

      Yes those injections are very temporary. Start taking Ostio Flex supplements to strengthen the bone which will release pressure on the nerve.
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      I've actually had minimal side affects, I'm a bit drowsy but that seems to be the worst, I think after trying many meds I've found the right ones for me ??

    • Posted

      I will look into these ostio flex supplements, they sound helpful. Thanks for the tip!
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      You can't get Cortisone injections if you have high inner eye pressure, Like I do,  it can lead to Glaucoma!

    • Posted

      I've been taking this for years and it didn't do a thing for me. In fact I have One Herniated Disc, and Stenosis in two places, so my Sciatic nerve is being pinched in three places. I have been told by my G.P. that really constant exercise is the only thing which will work , a good dose of will power and stretching exercises done at leats, three times a week , preferably every day, and water therapy & or swimming . Meds are for temporary relief as they will be bad for your kidneys and liver. Gabapentin and Arcoxia are for The Nerve Pain! Very bad for general health.

    • Posted

      I agree with you on medical prescripts and the huge side effects. I won't take any. Taking the Omega 3 fish oil and flax seed oil supplements help to reduce pain too. Relief Factor is another natural product. I have the same nerve problem and degenerated discs in lumber area. Keep moving is the answer.

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