I have had so many uti's this past year, I'm starting to go crazy!

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Okay so first off, I started having my first UTI since I started being sexual active which was when I was 18. I'm 22 now & ive noticed it has just gotten worse, especially this last year! I've had multiple UTI's in one month sometimes and I'm assuming that's due to the the antibiotics not working & the baceteria is either immune to the antibiotic or they're not prescribing me the correct antibiotic. Last year I was prescribed an antibiotic for a bad uti I had, I was on that for one week , after that I still had my uti symptoms and I was prescribed another antibiotic and I was on that for another two weeks. Even after that I still experienced symptoms i wasn't fully comfortable & keep in mind at a daily basis I control my uti symptoms by taking D mannose 3 times a day & cranberry pills daily.

After 9 months having minor uti symptoms i got a yeast infection so I went back because I didn't feel & my doctor told me this whole time I had a bladder infection & a yeast infection. But it didn't make sense to me because I thought uti's and bladder infection were the same thing. After that round of antibiotics I felt better but he referred to a urologist to get a specialists opinion.

I went to the urologist & they put a camera up my urethra to check my bladder lining (ouch)! & she told me that my bladder lining is looking great , but what she told me before doing so is , if my muscles spasm as she inserts the camera into my urethra then she might expect my pelvic floor muscles to have tighten from a bad infection & they've never learn to relax themselves. I've never heard of the PFM & I was confused & slightly relieved but she told me to learn how to relax my muscles & use heating pads & make sure I relax myself a good amount before sex. & if the pain persists to go to a physical therapist for PFM.

i didn't go to the physical therapist yet because I wanted to try to fix it myself & I noticed the pain kinda went away. I would take deep breaths and remind myself that I didn't have a uti and it was my muscles. & I think mentally it helped knowing I didn't have a UTI so that was Something.

Unfortunately I still get UTI's and they would come all of a sudden which were the worse ones to cure! & so far now that I'm thinking is , they're usually a day after I have had sex which freaks me out because I can't enjoy anything & I follow all the uti prevention guidelines

-peeing after sex

-washing myself before sex

-I make sure my partner is clean as well

-i wash myself every time I have a bowel movement

-I drink plenty of water to where I feel like I don't even need to flush the toilet no more! It's so clear

-I avoid spicy food & all things sugary (when I have my uti symptoms)

I suppose I could take spicey & sugary foods all out of my diet & see if that works but honestly I can't think of a time a had a uti by only my diet ? Every time I have a uti I've had sex the day of or the day before. & im thinking of not having sex anymore. Cause it's such a hassle I'm going insanse & I can't enjoy the simple things in life.

I had my first Pap smear today & hours after I got a horrible UTI , I did have sex the day before so I just can't determine what's going on. The thing is I don't want to take an antibiotics all the time because reading all these UTI stories I don't want to become immune to them. And what happens if I do become immune to these antibiotics. The pain is so bad I can't do anything & I don't know what to do & also I'm not on birth control so it doesn't have to do with that. I'm just thinking to try the antibiotic before sex or just stop it completely cause I feel like there's no hope..I'm going to try the physical therapy & stop having sex for a while but what if I can't ever have sex again . It's a nightmare sad

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Try apple cider vinegar as a wash and drinking it 👌

  • Posted

    Hi Hannah, it's very interesting that you were told about the pelvic floor muscles going into spasm as I've read a lot of men have problems 'down there' and are given antibiotics for prostatitis or something when it's actually just stress and they need to be taught how to relax their pelvic floor muscles (yes, men have them too!).

    I would guess that if the uti always starts after sex then you very likely tense up when you're about to have sex - whether you realise it or not.  You might need to look at ways of enjoying sex with your partner without actual penetration (so you get used to sex without fear and tension, real or subconscious).  I'm sure there are many books (e.g. The joy of sex) that can help you.

    Also, you say about hygeine and you make sure you're both clean BUT has your partner been checked for any infection?  If you keep taking the antibiotics but he then passes an infection back to you without realising you'll never be free - and you will build up resistance. 

    Have him get checked, just to make sure.  Do the physical therapy.  Learn to relax.  I had constant utis for over a year when I was about your age and did all sorts but they seemed to suddenly stop when I changed jobs!  I couldn't find any other reason for them stopping as nothing else changed.  Maybe I was more relaxed in my new job  - who knows?!

    Good luck, and you're right to be wary of taking too many antibiotics.  Be very cautious if you're ever prescribed Cipro (or Levo or another FluoroQuinolone).  Check out the other posts about long term UTIs on this site, also the posts about FQ toxicity  to see what I mean.

    Take care and good luck,


  • Posted

    Hi, for the most part of the last year, i had recurrent UTI's. Kidney ultrasound was normal. At my wits end, I had asked for a full blood count to be done and it turned out that I was iron deficient (very low ferritin level). Once I increased my iron level, the UTI's went away. I have now been UTI free for 5 months. Hope this helps :-)

  • Posted

    Hi Hannah

    Sounds to me like you have what is called intertestical cystitis

    If not that UTI and the antibiotics usually trimethoprim given causes thrush they say it does not but does.

    Types of latex causes thrush. But yes one sets of the other .

    But if you are getting tested for uti and it comes back negative, then it's intertestical cystitis.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted

    Cranberry can cause the UTI if you have mushrooms that causes yeast infection yogurt yeast infection loads of stuff don't help. I'm an expert on all this believe me. I'm the same went through for months. Sometimes though you think the UTI has not gone when it has but the symptoms for thrush are the same.

    Sex rough sex can make you sore as well maybe tear a tiny bit , infection . Sometimes your UTI or yeast infection is going back and forth as well.

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