I have mono and have very bad headaches is this normal?

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I am 16 years old I was at work one day and I was just feeling awlful my whole body was hurting was running fever 104.3 I ended up going to the hospital that night and I have the flu. After I had the flu my head would hurt so bad constantly also my neck i would go too the doctor cause I thought it was something really bad they did blood test and mono came up postive. Now I'm 1 month and 1 week in to recovery and still have very bad headaches and head pain in the back of my head I have this everyday and it does not go away I even went to the hospital they gave me a shot and some medicine and told me that it's normarl with mono I just want other peoples advice because I feel like it's never going to go away and I just feel like giving up and my anxiety makes everything worse sometimes my chest hurts so bad and I have trouble breathing the top part of my back has been hurting really bad lately. sometimes I feel real dizzy and throwing up. I just can't stand the bad headaches and head pain in the back of my head. It is possible to get migraines with mono? I have had no sore throat or nothing like that I do stay tired a lot though.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    This sounds exactly like what I went through.  Mine started January 1st and my headaches were so bad , high fever , body aches and swollen lymph nodes on the right side of my neck.  Was off work for a month and no hockey for 2 months due to a swollen spleen.  I am now feeling better but still more tired then usual.  It will get better hang in there and ride it out.  Don’t push yourself as I know after a month I tried And it set me back a few days.  RELAX ! I am a 24 year old male who is very active so I know how hard it is to sit still.  
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    Thanks just looking for advice because my headaches worry me sometimes how bad they get they make me feel dizzy and sick.

  • Posted

    HI Ravyn,

    So sorry to hear you're feeling so unwell with mono, I really do empathise having went through it myself a number of years ago. Just want to reassure you that these horrible symptoms do go away - the frustrating thing is that it can take a bit of time with this virus (as you are finding) but hang in there because it definitely DOES go away and you will be back to full health again. What you're going through now is the worst phase, this first few weeks is awful, but the intensity does pass - I know it doesn't help when you're going through it.

    Things that helped me included taking vitamins and herbs - a good strong multi-vitamin per day, B complex (great for energy levels and nervous system), high doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000mg per day) and immune boosting herbs like echinicea and siberian ginseng. Definitely helps give your immune system a boost whilst going through it.

    Really important to give yourself plenty of rest during this - key mistake many make (I did too) is trying to push through it like you would with a normal virus, but that just sets you back and this one really needs proper time and rest for your body to recover - and remember it will recover - I was the same as you thought it would never go away but it does, don't panic if it still takes a bit of time but it definitely will go away. Hang in there and trusting God with your healing.

    Take care and thinking of you


    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the advice I just didn't know if it was normal with these bad headaches and head pain in the back of my head because they make me sick and sometimes I get so tired with the bad headache I can barely think straight which also makes my anxiety go back up.

    • Posted

      Thinking of you Ravyn, I totally understand the anxiety it's horrible and awful when feeling so stressed and unsure about symptoms - I do get it man been feeling that way mysel ffor other reasons lately. Always worth getting checked with the doc though if unsure, although I know it's hard especially when so many doctors don't seem to understand or help like they could.

      If you can, try to be kind to yourself, remember this will pass and you WILL get better - trusting God with that.


  • Posted

    Hey Ravyn.  Yep my first symptoms were light headedness and a horrible pressure on the back of my head.  In fact the first thing they diagnosed me with was a migraine and gave me a crazy migraine medication.  By 5 weeks in (when they finally diagnosed mono) my headache had lessened and by two months that symptom went away.  I'm still struggling with other symptoms but not the headache.  I would say what you're going through is totally normal.  The anxiety can make things worse which totally sucks.  But like Craig said, you have to give and rest.  It's a longer virus and it's unpredictable.  Taking it one day at a time can help with anxiety.  Sending you all sorts of healing energy!  It's a crappy crappy virus and this forum can help you stay hopeful that you will beat it. 

  • Posted

    Hi, I never had headaches that bad but my neighbour was telling me how his head felt like it was being split open for a long time. I myself am 4 months in and I have collarbone discomfort, neck pain, abdominal fullness and shortness of breath. It is very hard to stay calm when you feel like you can’t breathe. I went to my doctor about the shortness of breath and collarbone pain... nothing. Just wrote it down on his chart...

    Just try to stay calm, take a nap, ride it out... That’s all we can do. I did find that Tylenol did help me with the shortness of breath interestingly enough. 

  • Posted

    Also my neck feels stiff sometimes but then it goes aways is this normal with mono also?

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