I have pin prickly skin from head to toe......

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I have read that this could be part of perimenopause. Has anyone had this symptoms and low vitamin b12 also? I am not sure if I am having these symptoms because to the low b12 or the perimenopause or both? Also how best to cope with this crazy crap. I do get the heat flashes at night time and then freezing cold after. I don't get the full on rain storm yet. Mood can be changed in the blink of an eye, lol. I get cart range at target the closer I get to my period, which I still have regularly. Ugh, this stuff isn't for wimps that for sure......

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi pattison i too have had the what i called tingling from head to toes which is a scary freaky feeling.  I dont know that im short of Vit B12 cos I have taken multi vits for some time now.  I dont know why this happens and its not common but had to reply to you to let you know your not alone and it will go. I don't get hot flushes but do get freezing cold ones.  Your so right this stuff is not for whimps, men would not put up with what we go through carry on working full time and looking after them and the house and some of the ladies have young children to attend to.  Oh dear you've got me moaninglol sending you a comforting hug x 
  • Posted

    Thanks anxiousface, it helps to know I'm not alone.
  • Posted

    I get this prickly, itchy thing on my hands when the weather turns colder.  When I go on holiday - to Dorset - last few years I go bright red and itchy all over when I go in the sea. Takes ages for the itching to go.  I think it is to do with peri-menopause, I am 51, been going through hot flushes for about 3 years now.  Don't know how to treat it though, wish I did! xxxx
    • Posted

      Hi fightingmadness,

      Love the name very appropriate. It has to be the weirdest symptom of all. I just can't believe it sometimes. As if all the others weren't bad enough, let's add itchy prickly skin to the raging hormonal lady with lack of sleep. JEEZ!

  • Posted

    I feel your pain! Between hot flushes and this feeling like I'm being pricked by a thousand needles my sleeping is all over the place! If anyone can come up with a remedy I'd be eternally grateful. I have started to take a menopause herbal/multivitamin thing from Boots but so far i can't see I have noticed any benefit apart from my grumpiness level - that doesn't seem to bad at the moment although my husband might not agree! It is reassuring that I'm not going mad and that this is all part of the grand scheme of the peri-menopause...blah! sad


    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing. It's nice to know I'm not alone. It's seems to get worse for me the closer I get to my period. Also if I stress or I'm too hot or cold. I'm playing around with my diet to see if it will help. I'm slowly trying the paleo diet. Very hard, but hoping it will be worth it. I'm always surprised my loving husband hasn't headed for the hills, lol.

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