I have rash that is spreading all over my body
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On Thursday night i put a test patch on for hair dye, I have been dying my hair for 18 years and have never reacted to a dye either. I awoke on Friday with a few spots (spots have white heads on also) no closer than 4" from the test patch (they are a little itchy but not like a insect bite itchy but more sore) what over the day spread right up and down my arm, I then awoke on Saturday and it hs spread all over my body including my stomach, arms, top of my legs and even the areola. The area that it started has also started to get more aggressive (photo attatched).
I did consult a pharmacist and he said 1. He did not think it was related to the patch test as there was no spots where the patch actuly was and 2. to see monitor the rash and see how it is on monday.
Im asking on here as i have started to feel pretty ill now including flushness, headache and i feel achy.
One other thing to mention as i have seen it mentioned in a few posts is that for about a week i have had a really sore and itchy eye what sometimes has become bloodshot with green discharge.
Any help would be much appreciated.
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mrsmop emilystar86
Contact the manufacturer and tell them you have had an adverse effect. They may arrange for you to see a Dermatologist. It is in their interest to do so.
Then, go to your GP and tell them you have had an adverse effect to a hair dye and ask to be referred to a Dermtologist. Even if it isn't the dye, someone needs to do something.
I had something similar several years ago and it turned out that I was allergic to formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers and it was in fact, the formaldehyde used in a new car that had triggered it. [Japanese and Swedish cars don't use formaldehyde!]
Go and see your GP Emily and good luck! [And contact the hair dye manufacturer]
frustrated61 emilystar86
Good Luck and feel better soon,
mrsmop emilystar86
frustrated61 emilystar86
Geesh that looks painful...it also looks like bug bites. Have you squeezed any of them and if so, does something come out and also, what does it look like? Could it possibly be a reaction to a bug bite?
Have you traveled lately, staying in a hotel/motel? I'm asking that because it does resemble bed bug bites. Just a thought that you may want to explore.
I wish you well and please let us know if you find out what exactly it is.