I have severe anxiety and now I have been summoned for Jury Duty.. HELP
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I suffer with anxiety anxiety attacks in social settings. Especially, in situations where I know I don't have the liberty to decide when I can and can't leave the situation. Obviously, with Jury Duty...the whole thing is controlled and jail and fines are threatened if you don't go. I am freaking out because I just know something bad is going to happen if I have to go. I am not currently seeing a therapist so I don't know how I'd get a doctors note to excuse me. Even then, some people were saying that it doesn't matter, sometimes they don't see that as a reason to be excused. I'm not even sure if I could get into a therapist in time and if they'd be willing to write me a note. The other issue I have and this may be weird to people but if I know I am not allowed to use the bathroom I will start having a panic attack and my bladder literally becomes full to the point where if I don't get up and go then I will literally think that I'm going to pee my pants. It's horrible it started in high school and theres never been anything I can do to avoid it besides using the restroom before I know I have an obligation to where I am not allowed. BUT, jury duty can last ALL day and if you are selected I underestand that once you are in the courtroom there is no leaving whatsoever. I am already in panic.. this whole thing is depressing me and giving me anxiety and I only got the letter yesterday. What can I do? I see nothing else but to be excused.. it wouldn't be good. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything so it would hinder my ability to make decisions. My friend was actually excused due to medical issues, his medical issues don't exactly debilitate him.. his anxiety definitely does but I think he just used his medical issues on his note and they excused him. So, I can't compare any situation to this right now. If I do end up HAVING to go is there anything I can do to be excused once I get there? I am dreading this. I have about 2 weeks. Please help!
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maria_1963 l66365
l66365 maria_1963
I am not seeing a doctor or therapist at this time. I haven't been to an actual doctor in about 7 years and haven't seen a therapist since like 2010. I only went one time and that was it because she wasn't what I was expecting. Literally asked me how I felt about one certain subject over and over again then when the timer went off pushed me out the door with a packet. Never went back. So I don't have any documentation but it is a real issue for me. I don't drive so I have to depend on someone to get me to an appointment before I have to go. Which I can do but not knowing if a therapist will even give me a note is nervewracking. There is a spot on my summons paperwork where it says If you feel you can not do jury duty aside from the checked boxes below please state your reasoning I was thinking of just writing it all there and maybe calling the court directly. I need to act now or it will be too late. But i'm not sure if I should just hurry and get a doc appoitnment or just try my best writing a letter and calling.
maria_1963 l66365
Okay - see if there is a number to ring on the letter as i am not too sure if the Jury selection will be at your local Crown Court or a nearby town or city , if so give them a ring , explain your situation , that you can write it all down on the form , on the form tell them you could get a letter from your GP but it would take a while , the only problem is that for your GP to do a letter you may be charged a fee , as when my GP did a letter for the people who deal with bus passes in my area i had to pay £15 - for me it was worth it as it meant i got a disabled bus pass - he thought it would get me out even if i just went to the next town ( i have arthritis in my knees ) , do try an see your GP , also i would recommend asking to ne referred to a therapist as they are all different , so see if you could try an do that , it can sometimes take time to feel at ease with strangers - i know 100% as i have real difficulty with people in the professional sense , just luck that the guy i see at my local cmht is patient , understanding , etc likewise the psychiatrist i see there , i know it is hard but the more people you have professionally on your side the better it is as you have more evidence to clarify your health issues , anxiety is very real but still you sadly get people out there who just pass it over , i hope you do get some hope in being excused , others on here may be able to assist you more then i have been able to , please take care an good luck - am thinking of you x
Forestflower l66365
If so you may be able to get a doctors note.
Forestflower l66365
l66365 Forestflower
I'm desparate and think that is my best shot right now unless I can get into a doctor and see if they can give me a note. I think just stating that I wouldn't be able to concentrate (seriously I wouldn't be able to) and the fact that I would need to get up several times to use the restroom would probably be enough. Like I said my friend was exempt for medical issues and I just recently found out he did not use a doctors note. Praying I am exempt!!
phil76209 l66365
Straight away you must see doctor and tell him ur symptoms and about the jury duty. Personally I would imagine they wouldn't want (no disrespect to u) someone on the jury whose decisions could be affected by their anxiety so there's a gud chance you would be excused. Remember your friend was excused. But u must do this right away.
Persevere with it. See what the doctor says. Get an appointment today though.
Let me know how u get on.
lisalisa67 l66365
Whilst on the postponement get into therapy with a psychiatrist. Many in the US dont care if you have anxiety at all, they dont excuse it as a valid excuse. You have to have to be able to,proove a condition so you have to go to the doctor. If you have young children that works as well.
peter1511 l66365
lisalisa67 peter1511
They are fools people with all this anxiety are horrible candidates for jury duty but they havent recognized it as debilitating which is evil in gemeral.
maria_1963 peter1511
I agree Peter as i sent my form back with proof of my ill health and they accepted it so i didn't have to attend in person , i was sent a letter saying that i was excused from attending the court , that i may be called again at a later date , if i am then i shall deal with that as & when it comes , i was called last year - i was amazed that i was called to sit on a jury - i would had liked to have done it but my mental health was really bad at the time . Like you say Anxiety called cause problems - more so if 166365 has a lengthy court case to sit through , i cannot see any reason why she should not be excused on health grounds if she is in the UK ,
aimee8494 l66365
I am currently in the same situation however in high school I was able to receive and benefit from a 504 Plan which accommodated my needs, it was signed by doctors school counselors and teachers. I sent them a copy and was denied to be excused. I've been freaking out for the past two weeks and don't know what to do since I am currently on call.