I have suffered from achalasia for approx 10 years (age ...
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I have suffered from achalasia for approx 10 years (age 40). It took sometime to diagnose as the first symptoms were similar to that of a haitius hernia - heartburn and reflux. Gradually the reflux became more severe and I started to loose weight, food was sticking in throat and sleeping became difficult as I was continually coughing. More tests, the endioscope showed nothing,barium swallow, then a manometry test or something similar was carried out, tubes were passed through the nose down the throat and this confirmed that the muscles in my throat were not working and that the sphinter valve was only opening intermittently. By now my weight was down to 6 stone (I had been 8.5 stone). Dilation was decided to be the best treatment and whilst waiting for this I used nifedapine which I found did help if taken 30 minutes before eating. The first dilation was successful for 3 months, then I was back on nifedapine whilst I waiting for the second. It was only successful for 6 months, then back on to nifedapine whilst another course of action was decided. Unfortunatley, I had to keep increasing the amount to get the same results as my body became used to the drugs but fortunately just as I was reaching the max daily dose, I had key hole surgery, Heller's procedure and a reflux barrier built and I haven't looked back since. I still rely on gravity only to get my food down plus liquid. Dry food like scones/sandwiches can be difficult but with the help of a drink to wash it down - no problem. From my experience I would go straight for the key hole surgery and forget the dilations as for me they were a waste of time. I had the op 7 years ago approx and have to say it changed my life. I can now go out to restaurants and have dinner again and I am now up to 9 stone. The only downside and it is only a slight annoyance is that I do get heartburn from time to time but I would rather live with that as its easily and quickly treatable than with the achalasia symptons that I endured for a number of years.
SW, Aberdeenshire
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My Consultant has suggested for some time that I have a Heller's procedure and from the information I have sourced on the internet it may well be the best way forward for me. I been given details of hosipitals that carry out this procedure, but as this is such a rare condition it seems that Heller's Myotomy is not carried out frequently. I will be seeing a Surgeon soon who carried out this operation perhaps four times a years.
Would it be possible to put me in contact with a patient has had a Heller's Myotomy so that I can discuss the proceedure with them.
The final paragraph from AW was that he/she can now go out to a restaurant and have dinner again - how wonderful it would be to choose what I wanted from the menu instead of finding food I can possibly eat (on a good day).
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Julia Shorthouse - 24th January 2006
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