I have suffered from chronic tension headaches for at le...

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I have suffered from chronic tension headaches for at least 15 years and three day migraines for at least 25 years. You may be surprised that I have never been to the doctor's in relation to the migraines, which have tailed off to about three a year (0f three days of migraine each time).

I have taken Syndol over the counter for the last ten years, and although this does not stop the migraine, which usually occur at about 4 am and is already virtually untreatable. The Syndol eventually makes me sick and along with lots of water, I'm afraid that I let it take its course and get on with my life as best I can (which can be a struggle), until the three days of hell are over, when taht drained feeling sets in. Now the severe tension headaches are another matter.

I have consulted physicians on a few times over the last 15 years, resulting in xrays of my neck and head, revealing no obvious problem, apart from a small fracture of the second vertibrae, which I can't remember doing - and has healed well. I have also tried allergy testing and altered my diet accordingly, but to no avail. So these days I can honestly say that I have a headache (neck headache that is) every day of my life. Yet I have never smoked and dislike alcohol (teetotal) and am 6ft 1" tall and about 12st 9lbs and run four times a week over 6.5 miles - so I often wonder why I should suffer from these severe tension headaches - because I can honestly say that I simply don't feel at all tense within myself That area around the band at the back of the neck just seems to be my weak spot, which when I become angry or tense or talk too much over say a loud music backround, this can make the tension of my upper neck muscles much worse as can some kinds of food or smokey rooms etc. The Syndol never ever completely gets rid of the symptoms, but will definitely improve them.

I can best describe the feeling sometimes as like a car sickness neck headache. Most people think that I am very fit due to the fact that I run a lot and walk or cycle to work - yet they don't realise that I have simply put up with this condition as part of my normal life for so long. However, I don't want any strong medication for the condition and ideally I would like to not have to take Syndol either - but I think that I may be addicted to it. Any comments that will help me are worth listeming to. Mike.

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9 Replies

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    I have had similar problems and eventually grew out of them after a couple of years of hell. I found it very hard to keep going, but like you, would go to work whilst suffering. Sometimes Syndol worked, sometimes it didn't. I also used to drink strong coffee with the Syndol which seemed to help. And sometimes eating a sugary snack also helped, something like a twix bar. I don't have an answer and the only suggestions I would make would be to keep your fluid intake high, particularly when you are busy or rushed off your feet at work, to visit your doctor re the migraines and get a modern migraine treatment such as immigram or one of the tryptans and to look at your stress levels at work. It may be that the demands of your job are preventing you from taking good care of yourself.

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    Like you I've suffered for years with migraines and headaches, with little help.

    Mine are worse for about a week each month, and I'm back trying Syndol again, although it makes me so tired, that I'm like a Zombie, and really don't feel like I'm functioning properly.

    I've even tried herbal remedies, but they don't work for me either I had hoped I would 'grow out of it' but no signs of that yet!!

    Lynne :D

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    I have suffered from migraine headaches since I was 10

    I have suffered from ? headaches since I was 30

    I am now 47

    My migraine headaches are caused by the usual suspects and I know how to manage the headache and still get on with my life

    The ? headache is more difficult for me to put a "Name" to

    The ? headache is caused when I get my head either cold or wet

    The headache can last for up to 2 weeks without any relief from the pain even after taking painkillers

    I have visited many specilists to no avail

    Does any else suffer from this type of headache

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  • Posted

    Hi i have suffered from chronic tension headaches for several years. The tension creates an uncomfortable pressure to my forehead, which can also lead to feeling off balance. I believe that most of my headaches are caused by normal day to day stress. I have tried changing my diet, i have had my eye sight checked and i also tried several medications (at present dosulepin). Even though the headaches can't be described as severe, the pain can become extremely tiresome. Last year i started seeing a hypnotherapist once a week and this has helped me to relax a little better. The tension isn't gone but i find dealing with the issue a little easier. If anyone has any further advise let me know.

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  • Posted

    I've suffered from headaches over my lifetime and discovered various remedies...ranging from herbal medication to massages and vitamins. Try massaging a spot on the underarm about 0.5 inch from your armpit. This helps tension headaches.

    If it doesn't help try EFT....this is an amazing healing technique....highly effective.

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    guys, i can help you with your headache problems, please email me.

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  • Posted

    Hi Sorry to hear you have suffered for so long. I have had chronic tension headaches for 3 years now, and that seems plenty long enough. The pain is behind my eyes and is constant. I cannot sleep properly withot medication. The doctor has recently put me on Gabapentin, and although it took me a while to get used to the effects (I felt like I was drunk for the first week!), I am much better now and have recently started to reduce the dosage. I also am in very good general health and had never really suffered with headaches before this.
  • Posted

    I am 19 and have had tension headaches for the past 4 months, i wondered if it had anything to do with vision at first but i had my eyes checked and it was ok cos i wear different strengthed lenses. I am normally fine during the day and at night it normally gets worse which is getting really annoying. i have started keeping a diary, i have a lack of apetite and have lost a bit of weight to like 9 stone now.. i find it difficult to eat when i have them which might be why. I just want it to Stop, exercise seems to help, so ive taken up surfing haha
  • Posted

    I've been suffering from severe daily headaches for ten years which are often crippling. I have seen doctors several times, trying medications,having scans and 'normal' painkillers such as paracetamol,ibruprofen,cocodamol, asprin etc. dont work on me. I believe I have two similtaneous headaches, chronic tension-type and another which spikes randomly although doctors havent done very good job of helping so far. I am not a professional but here are tips I have found help me and I use everyday:

    *To relieve eye pressure (I have had my eyes tested several times and they are fine but I get a lot of pressure behind the eyes. )

    -using your thumb and your finger pinch the bridge of your nose , between the eyes. rotate/massage in circles, bringing them up and out.

    -place thumbs on either side of the bridge of your nose, near the inner eye and push up into the brow bone.

    - drag thumbs (or sides of fingers) from centre of eyebrows, along the brow bone, towards the temples. Do the same to the bottom of your eye socket.

    *To relieve tension in face

    - place index and middle fingers on your temple on both sides, apply slight pressure (not hug amounts now) and rotate clockwise and then again anti-clockwise (keep both side doing the same, choose your favourite hand :P)

    - Use your fingertips to lightly tap/ dap all over the face, which helps relax facial muscles.

    -If you tend to clench your jaw it can lead to head aches/worsen them so to combat this simply massage where you can feel your cheekbones meet your lower jaw (you could call it a joint/near your ears). I also find that gently massaging just under the ears, underneath the jaw, can help with jaw tension.

    -On occasion I get pain near my sinuses. If you also do, you could try pressing either side of the nose about half-way down it (just under the bottom of the eye socket) with a finger and stroking outwards.

    *To relieve tension in scalp

    -curl fingers and spread them to look like claws or you are about to play the piano/type. Place your hands like this above your eyebrows and run hands vertically all the way over your head until they reach the back of your neck. do this in a 'back and forth' motion.

    - In the same way , run hands horizontally, starting at your temples.

    -Using this hand position, irratically massage scalp, which will bring the blood to the area and relax the muscles in the scalp. You may need to apply a little pressure.

    *To relieve tension in neck/base of head

    - Rub where the spine meet the base of the skull: both up onto the skull and down to the neck.

    -Place fingers either side of the spine on the neck between the spine and the muscle. make circular motions to drag the muscle away from the neck which can be as a result of stress, poor posture and I get it from tensing from head ache pain. do this all the way down the neck. When you reach the base of the neck keep doing this on the 'traps'/ shoulders.

    I hope that this at least some of these help you guys. Good luck with your head aches.

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